Monday, August 9, 2010

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Obesity and social anxiety

obesity and social anxiety

From the 80 obesity has reached epidemic proportions. In our country half the population suffers from this condition and need to diet to lose weight.

Moreover, the epidemic is not limited to adults, the percentage of young people who are overweight has doubled in the last 20 years from 10 to 15%.

According to a report of the Hospital de Clinicas, overall the rate of overweight is 65%. The numbers have grown over the past 15 years. It also affects two out of ten boys. Of these, 80% will be obese as an adult.

Specialists the CEETA are available for consultation or interviews on the subject. 02322-664772 or 02322-664772 reported to 011-15-6096-4651 to pursue them or send an email to

obesity and social anxiety

For its part, from the Center Specialized Studies in Anxiety Disorders (CEET) claim that obesity is closely related to social anxiety.

Social Anxiety is based on the fear of not being accepted socially, because it is associated with loss of self esteem and depression-inducing thoughts, leading to inappropriate behavior.

Failure to correspond to certain body measurements makes people feel they have a predisposition to social anxiety, probably the end of suffering or exacerbate the table. A person suffering from social anxiety and obesity will be more conditioned and we will be more difficult to cope with situations than one that is not. Obesity and anxiety

up a pernicious cycle to be detected and treated.

Some authors consider psychological factors as causes of obesity, others, however, believe that is a consequence of social discrimination towards the obese.

The truth is that a greater or lesser extent, are present and is essential knowledge and identification to be addressed if it is to succeed treatment.

"Society has created a widely accepted physical stereotypes regarding thinness and beauty and who does not adhere to the same feel discriminated against and seen, which makes people feel under no obligation to correspond to a certain size or body measurements This reinforces feelings of inferiority, which ultimately are the basis for feeling anxious, which increases the predisposition to feel social anxiety, "says Ms. Gabriela Martinez Castro, Director of CEET.

Also from CEETA added that "one of the symptoms associated with this type of disorder is due to increasing levels of anxiety also increases hyperphagia (Increased intake), which is the desire to eat more and richer, as carbohydrates lower anxiety levels. "

More info at: CEETA

blush blush psychological

Thursday, April 29, 2010

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Video recordings of OS-repositories, web

Already available on the website of the Fourth Workshop OS Repositories video recordings of presentations, debates, communications, and workshops. The recordings are in the section of the conference program , the corresponding activity with pdf files of each presentation.

Thus, the organization of the conference available to all interested parties the contents of what had been said and discussed, both in pdf and video.

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barriers to open access open access

The teacher, an admirer of the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b Charles Oppenheim (Loughborough University) presented the financial barriers to access facing abierto en su comunicación “ The Economy of Open Access ”.

En su entretenida e interesantísima comunicación, explicó las reglas del juego económico. El modelo económico de suscripción conocido como “bid deal”, de compra consorciada, aparentemente permite a las bibliotecas adquirir muchas publicaciones a un mejor precio, además que les permite negociar con los editores unas mejores condiciones de compra. Pero las obliga a pagar por algo que no saben si será lo suficientemente bueno como para utilizarlo, sin olvidar de que están financiando a la editorial al pagar por adelantado, los editores dejan de correr riesgos, trabajan sobre seguro. El OA ha abierto new economic models, and some worry the rapporteur, specifically that of "Author pays", wherein if the library has not paid, the institution continues to pay (the author does not usually pay out of pocket), that is, it continues to fund to the publisher. And if the item is rejected, which has already been paid, you lose! Considered that OA is a good alternative for new publications that want to be known as PLoS . That is one thing. On the other are the repositories that are not exactly cheap to create or maintain, especially when it has to convince the authors to deposit in them, as the Depot . Name one of the arguments put forward by publishers: many non-OA publications in quality (after publication in OA wanted to recruit him as editor in exchange for advertising "any" of his articles without peer review and free) ... and this is how you reach the root of the problem, what is being paid?

In January 2009 the report was published that revolutionized British publishers. Written by Australian economist John Houghton , the rapporteur and other partners, provides economic data show that the British Exchequer can save up to 100 million pounds if academic journals publish in open access. The angry response was immediate, commercial publishers be branded antieditorial report, that the report contained errors, which researchers did not contact them. What the editors did not mention is that the authors of the report if you contact them, but did not obtain the information requested by the latter "confidential." Moreover, since the editors have found errors in the report, they say that ... have not done.
Institutional repositories not only face economic barriers but also barriers to use, access to knowledge. Mireia Ribera (UB) in his presentation on " The Accessibility repositories "told us it is a myth that blind people use braille to surf the web, use the audio. Hence the importance of creating well-structured repositories, allowing the presentation of content in different ways, the xml element DTBook makes it possible. Developing repositories that allow visually impaired users to use tools like Jaws , TextAloud or ZoomText, allowing the text to hear it is a necessity, an obligation. For this it is important to get the digital rights to allow the processing of information. Bank oresentó a technical proposal for how to accessible institutional repositories today, introducing standards as DAISY in the flow of the repositories. Technical tools exist and ethical reasons as well. No one can speak of open access if a significant portion of users do not have access to it.

Grelda Ortiz

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In the paper " Validator open access policies," Reme Melero (CSIC) presented Melibea tool (as Dulcinea tool , is named after a character in English literature, in clear analogy to the tools Sherpa-Romeo and Juliet Sherpa-).
Melibea is a directory and a validator open access policy. As a directory of open access policy seeks to institutional policies and analyzes the terms expressed in them. And validator, calculate the percentage of OA institutional policy. The institution that obtains at the moment, the highest note is the National Institute of Health (NIH ). Unlike Sherpa
-Juliet and Roarmap , Melibea difference between universities, project funders, research institutions and government institutions. This validator locates OA policies and applies 24 questions, responses and variables which have a specific weight, the percentage is calculated validated open access.

Melibea only takes into account the policy documents, expressed in writing, and difference if a recommendation or a requirement (obligation), giving a different value. The speaker said that when comparing different policies, it was found that the models are drafted several (suggested unifying criteria, as the Finns), and although the intention of the institutions is good, at the time of shaping the role does not play .

In the "frequency analysis load in large central repositories and institutional repositories ", paper presented by Luis-Millan Gonzalez, Fernanda Peset, Antonia Ferrer and Rafael Aleixandre (UPV-UV) using a tool similar to Melibea ROAR. This paper presents the results of statistical analysis of 50 repositories, data comparing 2008 with 2009, to determine the frequency of their burden. At the study's authors called attention to the loading frequency is every 50 days, which is not a continuum, and that affects users in that they have to refresh your searches every 2 months.

Other communication in which tools are also used Melibea equivalent is the presented by Paul de Castro (CSIC), "Are our repositories strong enough to take on institutional mandates? . " The speaker explained that in the international open access policies, no studies on teams that manage the repositories. Hence the question of whether the repository will be able to take these mandates. Among the teams surveyed (15 in Spain consolidated repositories) gives interesting facts as IT staff is small, the teams that manage are made on average between 5 and 6 people, and most tend to the automation of processes in the repository. Concerned that the perception general it is not necessary a strong team for the creation and maintenance of a repository, and as noted by the rapporteur, with the implementation of institutional mandates, the burden of repositories increase. What if human and technological resources of institutional repositories are insufficient? Superman will not come to our aid. Ortiz Grelda

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Different looks at open access

Stakeholders in the open access was the second panel, which already has provided a review Lluís Anglada on his blog, in which each participant provided a different view of OA.

The dialogue was
researcher and a PhD in biology Roderic Guigó Serra, who brings the user's view of OA. Moreover, she stressed that bioinformatics research, everything is open access, from software (linked to the UNIX operating system and GNU tools since its inception, now own foundation) to the data from the Human Genome Project . Everything is in the public domain, both the most cited papers in bioinformatics (according to the Web of Science), as the program to view the genome and generate your map (the gff2ps ). Why? In 1996 the community bioinformatics scientific (what hope the rest?) adopts the agreements Bermuda, where it states that within 24 hours, are to announce the project data to the scientific community has access to them. Thus, the laboratories that participated in the Human Genome Project deposited in OA repositories (GenBank for example) the data before they could publish any results. End the monopoly of data, so the restrictions. Encode projects and Personal Genome are a call to make the community understand that access to information is better than information privacy. With the genome data of an individual is not got nothing, with the data of hundreds of millions of people can advance knowledge. Discussion continued

Frans Lettenstorm, published by Springer, who gave a brief overview of the publication of scientific journals from their beginnings to the present. He mentioned the changes taking place in "the past" scientific publishing business: he spent the role the digital media, subscription to the payment of licenses, individual to the consortial purchase. This is again changing, and not only wants access to text pdf file, but the multimedia document, no longer satisfied to take a look at the article but of power and full-text search on all items.

interesting was the metaphor used to describe the current climate of change in publishing: the Internet is the meteor that will disappear from the face of the earth to the scientific serials on paper. Just survive electronic scientific publications are not misfits. Hence OA Springer participate in projects to learn and survive, and not be ill-suited.

The editor of Collectanea mathematical analysis Matermatica , Joaquim Ortega (UB), enriched the discussion by providing the point of view of a small publisher of a magazine specializing acedémica. Work in a small niche market, retain the copyright of their writers, although they are encouraged to deposit their articles in OA institutional repositories (with 5 years though). Do not know how much it cost to publish an article because they have hidden costs such as working hours of staff of the academy that is not counted. Also, consider a myth that researchers demand publishing in OA, as their authors do not require copyright models (the authors did not look at whether a journal is OA or payment, they look at the impact and prestige). Ortega is convinced that the dissemination of knowledge and not achieved only through magazine articles, but also in conference presentations and databases. Academic publications are focusing on business groups, enabling them to have greater visibility than can be obtained from the university. Hence, the only thing left for the journal is quality control through peer review, and uphold the prestige published in that journal. He believes that magazines will survive are those that emphasize quality control and does not believe that the influence or favors open access to scientific publication.

Finally, Didac Martinez provided the vision a librarian optimistic. Listed OA resources available to the UPC, including (which does not preclude having the channel on Youtube UPC). The institutional policy of the UPC is open access. Now teachers have to deposit in institutional repositories of the UPC, which can be accessed from UPCommons . The library prepares reports using this data, have a observatory scientific production, making studies of the positioning of teachers in the UPC in the world, for example. What the library has learned along the way is that they can realize the philosophy of open access. Their improvement projects, to benefit ict to redirect content to incorporate OA projects within the communication projects of the university, connecting with authors to give more visibility or manage, retrieve and preserve the knowledge of the UPC, a good reputation and importance, and confidence of the political sector of the university. Martinez asserts that Internet technologies are here to stay and face this fact, advised to follow 10 targets:

First, to evaluate the repositories with the authors to design them according to user needs. Second, improve the positioning of repositories in the international rankings to gain visibility of the university and the authors. Third, do not do everything well, has to customize the repository (as reports), and has to provide value added services (information for teachers about copyright). Fourth, more open repositories, not just the result of research articles, but also the data investigated. Fifth, build repositories interoperable. Sixth, by default the articles published in trade journals to be deposited in institutional repositories (remember Suber commented when negotiating with the publishers to get the exemption for institutional repositories?). Seventh, create repositories of teaching (increase in students taking notes on pc). Eighth, open repositories 2.0 tools, connect to social networks and enrich the user input (Margaix and said the benefits of including these social tools in the repositories). Ninth, the innovative idea to join forces with the editorial staff of the university and publishing digitally in OA, that financial resources remain with the researcher. And finally, innovate, together, unity is strength.

questions were not short. Of all the most controversial rescue, the quality. To confuse quality with popularity. Or to cite an article because is bad, ergo this article is not quality. Or the editor will not publish the article (of quality) because it is politically counter rector of my university. Or that Einstein's most cited papers are the most cited in ISI. Or bad deal mounted, the university pays for the research, the researcher gives article to get prestige and pay back the university to access the article through the library.

advancing scientific knowledge network, its agents are not. Ortiz Grelda

Monday, March 29, 2010

Email With Confidentiality Language

Coffee online with Peter Suber and Reme Melero via Skype suffered some dropouts who interrupted at times a very interesting conversation. Even with technical issues, attendees could enjoy the exchange of ideas between these two professionals.

One is social bookmarking draft Tracking OA, where they collect the labels used by users in the social tools to describe developments in open access projects . Also recalled "the old days," he recalled signing the declaration Budapest, of which 8 years were met on 14 February. Suber was among those who participated in the committee and explained that he remembered as being "an exploration" that led to the Open Society to make a statement of principles appears for the first time the term "open access" is defined as such, and describes the routes green and gold.

Another issue discussed was the institutional policy of open access. Harvard is the model to follow institutional policy for research institutions. The Wellcome Trust and the National Institutes of Health are role models for project financing institutions OA. If an institution is forced to include the tagline of "subject the editorial policy, get at least that does not penalize, being the ideal first negotiate with the publisher and get the exemption for the institution's OA repository.
Funny Footnote coffee hour gave the contest to find a new word to make the action verb "to provide open access." Looking for a creative solution and at the time of the interview had received 79 different proposals ... there is no material reward, only "win the glory."
He emphasized that the routes are complementary green and gold a trade publication. This is not to replace institutional repositories open access journals, but to facilitate access to content that is not published in OA, allowing its free reuse. The prestige you get published in a journal is an issue, and provide access to an article in an institutional repository is another matter. Complementary but different.
Grelda Ortiz

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Long Before 1040x Processed

OA Coffee hour presentations on the web

communications presentations, lectures, debates and workshops are available on the website of the conference, in the section on Program

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The voice of teachers

communication by Juan José Bayona (AU) entitled Strategy at the University of Alicante in promoting open knowledge shed a different light to open access. Commented that having no library or computer training, the issue of open access was unknown.

Without going any further, was not aware of projects like COPLA , RUA or OpenCourseWare (OCW) of the University of Alicante until he assumed his position as Director of Bibliographic Information Services and Documentary AU. He explained that the AU is not just to provide open access to scientific production, but also teaching materials. Also stated that positioning the repository in the world will improve with time, the result of specific support (from the Vice President states that it is obligatory to publish a repository for assistance), to reward teachers who self-archiving and publishing their material for teaching in OCW. It also became compulsory to deposit their articles in the repository of the university journals in order to receive funding. Explained the creation of the U.S. engineered, space to facilitate the creation of audiovisual material for teachers, promotion of multilingualism (Valencian, Castilian, English) to preserve multiculturalism in international projects, as well as to measure the success of a repository from the reuse of cached data, the work generated from documents in the repositories.

interesting thing about this communication was the proposal from the moral obligation of teachers to self-archive. And are required to publish and attend conferences, which are also self-archive. It is to reach out to teachers as benefits and disadvantages of not changing. Ortiz Grelda

Communications Between

Monday, March 22, 2010

Colour Of Thymus Cancer

On the Road towards the preservation of digital repositories working with Drupal

comment now: Prospects for sustainability and preservation of institutional repositories , Miquel Térmens (UB).

was explained that the English repositories are adhering to initiatives like the Budapest or Berlin, however, currently lacking a plan to make it sustainable future preservation of these archives. The exhibition highlighted the fact that many institutional repository projects are financed with "remnants" of budgets. Some remnants that institutions need to spend, and that result that are not economically sustainable.

also put his finger on the pulse of the technical aspects of these repositories: no control file (formats, which have the priority in the migration process?), Problems with metadata, OAI inefficient application of the model, problems export data, backup solutions are unsafe ... and audit systems for digital preservation or DRAMBORA NESTOR, free tools that help assess the risks of digital repositories, and that change will not be used. The speaker leaves the question open to debate: "What do you expect to use them?"

Directories as OpenDOAR expose deficiencies in policy, funding and planning for the preservation of English institutional repositories. As you said the rapporteur, the National Security Scheme published in the BOE left libraries and repositories in the lower level, so that many will not have the obligation to audit risks.

now turn to step beyond the intention of preserving, it has to go towards a global action plan, agreeing policies, investing in people and technologies, and above all, by evaluating the steps that are followed in preservation. Ortiz Grelda

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Long Is Eod School

Of the 4 workshops that attendees could attend the conference, in this post I will discuss the third: Drupal repository for joint consultation presented by Muñoz and Serrano Jordi Oriol Rico Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC).
This workshop explained the experience of the UPC for the selection of a content management system that solves your problems of management. Thus was born Bibliotécnica . Based on the core module of Drupal, they are adding modules and layers that allow the integration of tools such as UPC catalog , UPCommons the factory teaching resources, or FenixDoc for example.
workshop was a very technical. It explained why he opted for Drupal (basically because it is modular, flexible and also have a community of active development of software that allows to develop what is needed) addressed the use of taxonomies (group content), working with templates, or search shows (which raised the problem of duplicates). They also described their work with some of the Drupal modules as OpenSearch, which allows syndicate searches.

further explained that the flexibility of Drupal 2.0 allows utilities to add as comments users or the syndication of the latest acquisitions in LibraryThing. A highly enriching
no lack exposure that led to reflection questions as whether it is beneficial for students not to use taxonomies to find or that everything will come resolved by the browser, which is the form you are working with taxonomies and not the students, or about the high economic costs for the institutions to implement tools 2.0.
In this workshop you can highlight a phrase in the simple things are. Not have to look for complicated solutions, but simple and easy to apply. They set a good example.

Ortiz Grelda Chronicle

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Chronicle Lluís Anglada

Lluís Anglada wrote on his blog an interesting chronicle of the two debates OS Repositories. In this blog I recommend reading

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OS repositories Photos Flickr Photos

After a few days of the conference, we resume the activity in this blog to discussing some things.

recall now, for all concerned, the directions of the photo galleries of the conference on Flickr .com/photos/osrepositorios4 /

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Excercise And Genitial Herpes

second day

photos of the second day sessions Drupal Workshop
to query repositories: Oriol Rico and Jordi Serrano

Repositories Workshop in the cloud, Ricard de la Vega

Workshop 10 years cooperative repositories: Lluís Anglada

Communications: Javier García García (UCM)

Videoconferencing Peter Suber

Protopic Reviews Psoriasis

The role of institutions in favor of open access

During the first day of 4ths OS Repositories Days, organized a panel Round to present different views on the role of institutions in favor of open access. This table was attended by Xavier de las Heras, Secretary of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia , Rafael Van Grieken Salvador, Vice Chancellor for Research Universidad Rey Juan Carlos , Cecilia Cabello de FECYT and Michael Jubb, Director of the RIN ( Research Information Network, UK ). Carina King chaired the table, Secretary of CBUC .

leave my notes on these presentations.

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transition to open access in the UK first

I am following the 4ths OS Repositories Conference from Argentina. I congratulate the organizers of the conference because those who have not able to travel anyway have the opportunity to participate.

The first presentation by Michael Jubb, who is the Director of the RIN (Research Information Network , UK ). Transcribe the notes I was taking along with links to documents cited Jubb.

The Research Information Network UK ( Research Information Network, UK) is a political unit funded by the funding councils for higher education in the United Kingdom, seven research councils and the three national libraries.

institutions that finance the Research Information Network are:

Michael Jubb talks about the gestation of policies in individual Research Councils UK. Place the policy context in Science & innovation investment framework


Activities Research and Development (R & D) have £ 22 million annual investment in the United Kingdom and the information is one of the main products of that investment. But the policies of funding agencies (research funders) in relation to the management of research products vary considerably, partly due to the different contexts in which they operate and the various communities they serve. Differences in political views as to the responsibilities, both in policy development and provision of information services, means that researchers who receive funding work a coherent vision of how to manage the production of research they produce.

Some themes:

* Excellence in research: Open Access allows you to display the great research institutions.

* Rating: Maximize your performance in assessments, seek advantage in citations, the advantage in the appointment of the information is open access (Open Access citation advantage)

* Dissemination and Access: We want to make sure it spreads as widely as possible

* Socio economic: Reach key sectors of society

* Management and Preservation

* Cost and Sustainability: The relationship between the cost and effectiveness of the investment, interest in improving the relationship between cost and profit. Rearrange the funds to support a robust system of scientific communication

In 2006 Research Councils UK (RCUK) raised a Position Statement on Access to products from the research n, based on four principles

  • Ideas and knowledge derived from publicly funded research must be available and accessible for public use, interrogation and examination, as widely, rapidly and effectively as possible.
  • The published research results must undergo a rigorous quality control, through effective mechanisms for peer review.
  • models and mechanisms for publication and access to research results must be efficient and improve cost-effectiveness in the use of public funds.
  • productions investigations current and future should be preserved and kept accessible for future generations.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) included in its policy of open access to copy and reuse of information:

If you paid a fee open access MRC requires authors and editors licensed items research so that they can be freely copied and re-used for purposes such as text mining and data, provided that such uses will give appropriate attribution "

In 2008 RCUK published a report on the impact of open access policy, available at

The Wellcome Trust UK is the largest charity in the United Kingdom in regard to research funding . Has had a stimulating approach to Open Access that put him in a position of leadership. It began with a policy in 2004 and in 2006 this policy became a mandate. More information:

This policy covers the research papers accepted for publication and have been funded in whole or in part by Wellcome Trust. It also indicates that pay for the cost of publication. This organization led the development of UK PubMed Central in 2007 and specifically requires the deposit in PubMed Central, rather than an institutional repository as "This has the advantage that it has demonstrated expertise, materials are collected in a one place, the files are managed and data mining is easier ".

UK PubMed Central is focused on items, but is starting to include protocols, gray literature and data. There are efforts to extend to a UK PubMed Central PubMed Central European

Los desafíos que hay son mejorar el cumplimiento de la política de acceso abierto, mayor comunicación y la simplificación del proceso para persuadir a los investigadores.

Higher Education Funding Council for England

El Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) ha tenido un rol de liderazgo en la promoción del Acceso Abierto.

Existen más de 100 repositorios institucionales en el Reino Unido. El repositorio de la Universidad de Cambridge el más grande.

La percepción por parte de los investigadores de que los trabajos se evalúan de manera particular, en especial de acuerdo a Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), the new version is Research Excellence Framework (REF) has had more influence on how they communicate their research results.

publications in relation to Open Access (by Golden), universities do not have good mechanisms to pay publication fees at OA. In the UK there are no agreements as they have done in the United States, the five universities (Berkeley, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have signed an agreement to provide its research funds to pay the costs of publishing Open Access. More information on Compact Equity for Open Access Publication (COPE)

In relation to open access policies, 18 universities have policies on deposit in repositories. Some distinguish between storage and access, but not very strong policy. The Research excellence framework is moving to adding open access policies.

has been a growth of open access journals in the United Kingdom demonstrated in DOAJ, Ulrich's , Open J - Gate.

In relation to share and disseminate research data, there are aspects that make it difficult to do with the ownership, protection and confidence. The reward system benefits not share data, there are no incentives from policy evaluation. The researchers have preferred to share data only from the way they want and who they want. Do not rely on data from other researchers. This varies according to academic areas.

In the current system is much more expensive is to produce research that the publication itself. Graphic report shows the "Activities, Costs and Funding flows in the scholarly communications system in the UK"

also refers to a research funded by JISC RIN and " Communicating knowledge: How and why UK Researchers Publish and Disseminate Their Findings "

In production rates predominate research journal articles, especially in the sciences and this is tied to evaluations. The importance of other types of research products varies by discipline. In engineering for example the conference proceedings are very important in the humanities books and book chapters are very important as research products.

A high percentage of researchers believe that open access repositories is not important or does not apply to the dissemination of their research.

In the view of researchers the future, an evaluation system based on appointments that will further open access publishing.

In the transition to a new scholarly communication system, RIN is sponsored a portfolio research projects jointly with other organizations. The projects focus on different areas:

  • Transition to publications that are published only in digital format
  • deficits in access
  • dynamics to improve access
  • Future of scholarly communication

Answers to questions attendees:

  • Very few (3 or 4) universities have central funds to pay publication charges in open access, others are considering it, universities do not have many funds and money should consider this in your budget.
  • Researchers in deciding where and how to publish their research is the main motivation is published in a respected journal, with appreciation for his work to be considered high quality, peer recognition, appointments, etc. Second to think about the wider dissemination are not motivated enough even to put their work in repositories, until we do easier, more automatic, some clubs "Must you do this" but believes that "carrots" are best achieved.
  • mechanisms to control policies are met: The research councils are independent bodies and very proud of this independence and is difficult to have a single policy. They talk about the needs of their communities of researchers are different from what the rest of the communities, mechanisms for policy enforcement are weak, the government asks them to reduce administrative costs to a minimum and policies required to generate compliance more people.
I still enjoy the conference!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pictionary Phrases For The Elderly


Some photos first day of the conference OS repositories 4

Assistants in the Great Hall of the historic building of the Universitat de Barcelona


Carina King and Remedios Melero


Michael Jubb

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vaughn Pads Design Templates

day final program, broadcast and communications

Only one day left for the start of the conference.

The final program is available at:

may also be followed by live video in this direction (from Wednesday at 16.30 local time ):

mms: / /

also tweets with # OSR4 hashtag be found on the website of the conference

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twitter (III)

Luis Zorita (UNED)

The Semantic Web consists of elements that keep relaicones each other, called "linked data".
What is the relationship of the "linked data" with the objects in our repositories?
What advantages or value added services would bring us to transform our objects "linked data"?
Can you create a global repository on the Web?
In this paper we will try to answer these questions.

Open Access: Projects and initiatives, and OpenAire COAR
Alicia López Medina (UNED)

COAR, founded in October 2009 in Ghent (Belgium) during the week of Open Access, is an international association of organizations and individuals who have a common strategic interest in open access to scientific communication. COAR promotes the creation of interoperable infrastructures that support global data layer of open access repositories that allow reuse of data services and content providers. OpenAire
(Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is a three-year funded under FP7 involving 38 partners from 27 European countries. OpenAire The main objective is to support the Open Access pilot project launched by the Commission in August 2008, which requires researchers in seven thematic areas of the deposit of research results in an institutional repository or thematic open access to full text . OpenAire develop the infrastructure to enable researchers to meet this mandate. LOGIN

and BUSTREAMING: Integration of audio and video in the process of self-archiving Repository ULPGC open access
Carnal Inmaculada Domínguez, María Pilar López Díez and María Pino Vera Cazorla (ULPGC)

Presentation of two new platforms developed by the Library of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ACCESS (scientific documentation ULPGC open access) and BUSTREAMING (multimedia documents.) These are two new initiatives of the University Library framed within the Open Access movement, in addition to the existing Digital Memory Canary Islands, which began in 2003 with great success. Although the software used for the development of ACCESS is to DSpace University Library has introduced services to users and administrators, as For example, the ability to upload documents without having to use self-archiving and the incorporation of BUStreaming tool developed by the Library to view multimedia files, either through the Access Portal (cuandosean scientific works created by members of the university), or either view or listen to multimedia losarchivos that have been donated to be part of the Memory Digital de Canarias.

Are our repositories strong enough to take on institutional mandates?
Pablo de Castro (UC3M)

When data are analyzed general policy of promoting open access offers substantial differences are seen ROARMAP between countries.
This paper focuses on the study of size, flexibility and stability of the teams managing the English repositories at present to determine whether they are strong enough and stable enough to support institutional mandates. For this we have conducted a survey of repositories in order to gather information on the structure of the professional teams that manage them. Since the level of development among English repositories is very uneven, the analysis will initially focus on those that are more established, although the intention of the study is to achieve a level of coverage as broad as possible, eventually may exceed national boundaries.

contribution Resource Center for Learning and Research to promote open access in the University of Barcelona
Judit Casals Parladé

this communication is to expound the initiatives from the Resource Center Learning and Research in the UB to promote open access. Key initiatives will include the commissioning of the institutional repository and the creation of the Office for Knowledge Dissemination in 2007. These are two support structures and support that allow the practice, endorse or favor the existence of policies institutional promotion of open access. It offers the institution the necessary infrastructure to enable the one hand to collect, archive, process, disseminate and preserve the university's scientific output (digital repository) and other advice on the management of copyright and promote open knowledge. Other contributions UB CRAI of the institution are to promote and disseminate the concept of open access among faculty and students of UB, through an information, advice and training, contribution to increasing the visibility of scientific production, or dissemination practices and marketing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Paper "policy Validator Open Access "Communications

Paper "validator open access policies"
Reme Melero (CSIC)
Friday March 5, 9,30 h.

MELIBEA is a directory and validator of policies for open access to scientific and academic production. As a board, describes the existing institutional policies related to open access (OA) to scientific and academic production. While validator, subjected to a qualitative and quantitative analysis based on compliance with a set of indicators that reflect the basis on which corporate policy is based.

The validator indicates a score and a percentage of compliance for each of the policies reviewed. This is done from the values \u200b\u200bassigned to certain indicators and their weighting according to their relative importance. The sum of the weighted values \u200b\u200bof each of the indicators follows a percentile scale and leads to what we call "open access validated Percentage", the calculus is presented in the Methodology section.

types of institutions are analyzed universities, research centers, funding agencies and government organizations.

MELIBEA has three main objectives:

1. Establish indicators to see what are the strengths and weaknesses of an institutional policy conducive to AA.
2. Propose a methodology to guide the institutions on the issues to be considered for the development of a policy of open access istitucional
3. Provide a tool to compare the contents of policies between institutions as

The idea is to apply a sequence of questions that lead to the development of a clear, precise and containing aspects and details to consider when listing a AA corporate policy, Remedios Melero

PhD in Chemistry. Works at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Technology Food , which belongs to National Research Council (CSIC). Editor of the journal / Food Science and Technology International / and vice president of the "European Association of Science Editors (EASE). He is currently working on projects related to scientific publishing and open access institutional policies. Member of research group " Open access to science "

Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Should A Knee Brace Have An Open Patells


Here is a second set of summaries of papers to be presented at the Symposium

promotion initiatives del acceso abierto en RiuNet, Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Andrés Lloret, Maria Josep Torres, Eva Calatrava (UPV)

La comunicación trata de las diferentes iniciativas de promoción basadas en adaptaciones técnicas de la plataforma original realizadas desde la Biblioteca, con el apoyo técnico del Área de Sistemas de Información y Comunicación, para impulsar el acceso abierto en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, a través de RiuNet, su repositorio institucional. Para conseguir promocionar el acceso abierto se han abierto varias vías de trabajo que permitan a los miembros de la comunidad universitaria difundir su producción intelectual de forma directa y sencilla. Con toda una serie de “pequeñas”acciones que se expondrán en la comunicación, se está consiguiendo, poco a poco, que RiuNet sea reconocido como una herramienta de difusión de la producción científica y académica propia y, por tanto, que sea usado cada vez más por la comunidad universitaria.

Análisis de las de las funcionalidades 2.0 ofrecidas por los repositorios españoles
Didac Margaix

Los Repositorios Institucionales suponen un elemento novedoso en el entorno universitario en cuanto a la comunicación científica y a la presencia digital de la producción de las universidades. Pero el entorno digital evoluciona very quickly and the various actors involved in scientific publication. The most significant change in web communication that has occurred in recent years has been the emergence of the services included under the Web 2.0 label which includes different services to share links, digital objects, managing relationships, information reuse, etc. . Some scientific journals are now offering these services. This paper analyzes the degree of implementation of such services in the field of English institutional repositories. To do this we first identify the types of services considered 2.0 and can be useful for communication scientific. Secondly, which of these possibilities accounts are offered by the repositories and finally discusses the results for the actions taken and identify possible areas for improvement.

Accessibility in the repositories
Mireia Ribera (UB)

It describes the relationship between the concepts of open access and universal access. From their point of connection it is argued the need to enhance the accessibility of open access institutional repository for legal, compliance and ethics objectives. This accessibility must be met both at the query interface at the level of content. A brief analysis of the current situation, noting the low compliance with basic accessibility criteria. Finally we conclude the presentation with some organizational and technical proposals to improve this situation.

Analysis of load frequency in large central repositories and institutional repositories
Luis-Millan Gonzalez, Fernanda Peset, Antonia Ferrer, Rafael Aleixandre (UPV, UV)

Information management is now a vital issue both for the end user, and professionals involved in managing digital resources. Despite the importance of the subject, little or nothing is known about the behavior of those using the repositories and those charged with feeding. This work presents a picture of the loading frequency of documents in the repositories and their final volume. In this way we try to give people involved in promoting a pattern of behavior that can guide their final decisions. The main objective is to analyze statistically the number of documents that are uploaded to central repository (CR) and institutional (IR). In conclusion we can deduce that researchers repositories, users must search every 50 days to properly update their references. Also, the repository managers warning systems (Email or RSS) may recommend that frequency.

Model Development Open Access at the National University of Colombia
Janeth Ardila, Arley Soto, Carlos Agudelo, Dion and Rocio Robledo Pulido (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

The National University of Colombia adopted since 2006 by the open access model and full text online. Until then the service had conventional print library and some digital library services with limited access to the academic community. In the open access model, National University of Colombia has created two types of repository, one of which contains collections of books, papers and theses ( and uses the DSpace software, the second contains the academic and scientific journals from the National University ( and uses the Open Journal System software.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dates For Griha Pravesh In July 2011 For Calgary

Workshop 4. 10 years of cooperative repositories

Workshop 4. 10 years of cooperative repositories
Thursday, 4 March, from 9.30 h to 11.30 h
Lluís Anglada (CBUC), Sandra Reoyo (CBUC), Anna Casaldàliga (UPF), Ricard de la Vega (CESCA)

In 1999 work began, culminating with the commissioning of TDX / TDR, the first repository created in Spain. Since then, cooperation between the universities of Catalunya and the Biblioteca de Catalunya has allowed to put 5 repositories cooperative (TDX / TDR, RECERCAT, RACO, MDC and MDX). This was made possible by a division of tasks in which libraries are responsible for the introduction of content, CESCA preparation software and hardware and CBUC coordination processes.

The workshop divided into 4 parts, is intended to explain the different phases that have lived cooperative repositories, the actions carried out in these 10 years to fill them with content (standards, legal issues, support for digitization, etc.). The experience of a university-UPF-repositories participating in these cooperative and that both his own and has the technical infrastructure in which they have developed and evolved. Lluís Anglada

a degree in Philosophy (Logic) and Diploma in Librarianship. Since 1997 the director of the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC). Previously he was Director of Libraries at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (1989-1997) and professor in the School of Library and Documentation. He has served on several national committees and international library. Is a lecturer and writer on various subjects relating to libraries (library automation, digital libraries, library cooperation, as applied to libraries, etc.).. Maintains Bdig blog about libraries digital and cooperation ( )

Sandra Reoyo Documentation is licensed by the University of Barcelona. Works in the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) since 1998. First in the field of Catalogue of the Universities of Catalonia (cytology) and since 2004 is responsible for cooperative repositories (MDC, MDX, RACO RECERCAT and TDR). Anna

Casaldàliga is Deputy Director of the Library of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). A degree in Library and Information Science and Documentation licensed from the University of Barcelona. He has worked in special libraries of the Generalitat de Catalunya and, since 1990, works at the Library of the UPF, where he held various positions. He is a member of the working group "libraries and intellectual property" FESABID since its inception in 1996.

Ricard de la Vega is a technical engineer in computer management from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya. He has worked in Argus Serveis Telematics and in Partal, Maresma i Associats with the analysis and web application development. Since 2003 is part of the Supercomputing Centre of Catalonia (CESCA), first as a systems technician and currently as head of the Portals and Repositories, leading the team responsible for the technological part of repositories such as TDR, RECERCAT, RACO PADICAT, RECYT, MDX and PADICYT.

Acrostic Poem For A Chevy

Workshop 2. Repositories in the cloud P.

Workshop 2. Repositories in the cloud
Ricard de la Vega (CESCA)

This workshop will last shorter than the rest: Thursday, March 4, from 9:30 h to 10:30 h.

applications that are distributed over the Internet as a service (Software as a Service, SaaS) and hardware and basic software for data centers (Cloud, Cloud) are the two elements of the equation called cloud computing. In this paradigm, you play three main roles: provider of cloud, cloud user which in turn is a provider of service (as the repositories) and end users of the service. The first benefit specialization and economies of scale, while the latter for greater elasticity in the supply. In this sense, DuraSpace has created a pilot called DuraCloud to test the use of storage technologies in the cloud to the preservation of digital content.
The workshop aims to describe the basic concepts of cloud, with examples of where you are using this technology and the impact it can have on digital repositories.

Ricard de la Vega is a technical engineer in computer management from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya. He has worked in Argus Serveis Telematics and in Partal, Maresma i Associats with the analysis and application development web. Since 2003 is part of the Supercomputing Centre of Catalonia (CESCA), first as a systems technician and currently as head of the Portals and Repositories, leading the team responsible for the technological part of repositories such as TDR, RECERCAT, RACO, PADICAT, RECYT, MDX and PADICYT. Examples

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Corn Fluor Bad For You

Questions Suber


1. Comparing Europe to the United States or Canada, how the landscape glimpsed OA regarding institutional policies? [If we compare Europe vs U.S. or Canada, how do you face Their open access landscape insitutional thereon or policemen?]

2. What are the barriers, in his opinion for the law FRPAA (Federal Research Public Access Act) not is approved? There are only economic or vested interests involved?

Add your own comment as

Monday, February 15, 2010

Safenet Sentinel Copy

Workshop: D-NET (new technology DRIVER)

Workshop 1: D-NET (new technology DRIVER)

Juan Corrales (Consorcio Madroño )


software repositories for the collection of D-NET, has just released its second version (1.1). This new version has many improvements for the end user and system administrator.
The workshop will present the user-level software, especially its advanced applications, but we will focus on the possibilities offered by the managers of repositories for comply with the DRIVER guidelines. Specifically, system features and advantages over previous software collects, your chances of creating integrated aggregator collects, integrated turn DRIVER, the facilities to meet DRIVER policies at the level of all repositories harvested and also for individual repositories (metadata filters and transformations).

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Workshop Drupal repository for joint consultation "Nearly 150 registered

Workshop 3
Serrano-Muñoz and Jordi Oriol Rico Millán (UPC)
Thursday, March 4, 9:30 to 11:30 h

On Thursday morning, March 4 four workshops will take place simultaneously, between 9:30 and 11:30 h. A them is " Drupal for joint consultation repositories." The workshop will focus on the integration of a content management system with institutional repositories or how to offer 2.0 without relying on infrastructure associated with each of the deposits. From here is intended to address all issues existing at the time to add features not related to the shells themselves and how the most advanced content management systems give us an opportunity to fix it.

Jordi Serrano-Muñoz a degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Barcelona and in documentation from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Currently developing management tasks as head of the Library of the Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona and web environments responsible for the Unitat Digitals Resources, both in the Library Service and Documentation of the UPC. At the same time engaged in teaching as associate professor in the Faculty of Library and Documentation at the University of Barcelona.

Oriol Rico Millán a degree in Computer Science from UPC in 2004. Responsible ICT since then "Bibliotécnica: Digital Library of the UPC." Has implemented library management tools such as SFX and Metalib. Actively participates in the OpenCourseWare of the UPC and currently specializes in the Drupal content management tool that has been used for the implementation of the new version of the Digital Library of the UPC ( . He has made several web pages related to the world of art ( Klimt02.Net )

2011 Short Form Deed Of Trust Form California

15/02/2010 Today we have confirmed the attendance of 138 people. There's still time to sign up: