Monday, March 29, 2010

Email With Confidentiality Language

Coffee online with Peter Suber and Reme Melero via Skype suffered some dropouts who interrupted at times a very interesting conversation. Even with technical issues, attendees could enjoy the exchange of ideas between these two professionals.

One is social bookmarking draft Tracking OA, where they collect the labels used by users in the social tools to describe developments in open access projects . Also recalled "the old days," he recalled signing the declaration Budapest, of which 8 years were met on 14 February. Suber was among those who participated in the committee and explained that he remembered as being "an exploration" that led to the Open Society to make a statement of principles appears for the first time the term "open access" is defined as such, and describes the routes green and gold.

Another issue discussed was the institutional policy of open access. Harvard is the model to follow institutional policy for research institutions. The Wellcome Trust and the National Institutes of Health are role models for project financing institutions OA. If an institution is forced to include the tagline of "subject the editorial policy, get at least that does not penalize, being the ideal first negotiate with the publisher and get the exemption for the institution's OA repository.
Funny Footnote coffee hour gave the contest to find a new word to make the action verb "to provide open access." Looking for a creative solution and at the time of the interview had received 79 different proposals ... there is no material reward, only "win the glory."
He emphasized that the routes are complementary green and gold a trade publication. This is not to replace institutional repositories open access journals, but to facilitate access to content that is not published in OA, allowing its free reuse. The prestige you get published in a journal is an issue, and provide access to an article in an institutional repository is another matter. Complementary but different.
Grelda Ortiz


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