Stakeholders in the open access was the second panel, which already has provided a review Lluís Anglada on his blog, in which each participant provided a different view of OA.
The dialogue was

researcher and a PhD in biology Roderic Guigó Serra, who brings the user's view of OA. Moreover, she stressed that bioinformatics research, everything is open access, from software (linked to the UNIX operating system and GNU tools since its inception, now own foundation) to the data from the Human Genome Project . Everything is in the public domain, both the most cited papers in bioinformatics (according to the Web of Science), as the program to view the genome and generate your map (the gff2ps ). Why? In 1996 the community bioinformatics scientific (what hope the rest?) adopts the agreements Bermuda, where it states that within 24 hours, are to announce the project data to the scientific community has access to them. Thus, the laboratories that participated in the Human Genome Project deposited in OA repositories (GenBank for example) the data before they could publish any results. End the monopoly of data, so the restrictions. Encode projects and Personal Genome are a call to make the community understand that access to information is better than information privacy. With the genome data of an individual is not got nothing, with the data of hundreds of millions of people can advance knowledge. Discussion continued
Frans Lettenstorm, published by Springer, who gave a brief overview of the publication of scientific journals from their beginnings to the present. He mentioned the changes taking place in "the past" scientific publishing business: he spent the role the digital media, subscription to the payment of licenses, individual to the consortial purchase. This is again changing, and not only wants access to text pdf file, but the multimedia document, no longer satisfied to take a look at the article but of power and full-text search on all items.
interesting was the metaphor used to describe the current climate of change in publishing: the Internet is the meteor that will disappear from the face of the earth to the scientific serials on paper. Just survive electronic scientific publications are not misfits. Hence OA Springer participate in projects to learn and survive, and not be ill-suited.

The editor of Collectanea mathematical analysis Matermatica , Joaquim Ortega (UB), enriched the discussion by providing the point of view of a small publisher of a magazine specializing acedémica. Work in a small niche market, retain the copyright of their writers, although they are encouraged to deposit their articles in OA institutional repositories (with 5 years though). Do not know how much it cost to publish an article because they have hidden costs such as working hours of staff of the academy that is not counted. Also, consider a myth that researchers demand publishing in OA, as their authors do not require copyright models (the authors did not look at whether a journal is OA or payment, they look at the impact and prestige). Ortega is convinced that the dissemination of knowledge and not achieved only through magazine articles, but also in conference presentations and databases. Academic publications are focusing on business groups, enabling them to have greater visibility than can be obtained from the university. Hence, the only thing left for the journal is quality control through peer review, and uphold the prestige published in that journal. He believes that magazines will survive are those that emphasize quality control and does not believe that the influence or favors open access to scientific publication.
Finally, Didac Martinez provided the vision a librarian optimistic. Listed OA resources available to the UPC, including (which does not preclude having the channel on Youtube UPC). The institutional policy of the UPC is open access. Now teachers have to deposit in institutional repositories of the UPC, which can be accessed from UPCommons . The library prepares reports using this data, have a observatory scientific production, making studies of the positioning of teachers in the UPC in the world, for example. What the library has learned along the way is that they can realize the philosophy of open access. Their improvement projects, to benefit ict to redirect content to incorporate OA projects within the communication projects of the university, connecting with authors to give more visibility or manage, retrieve and preserve the knowledge of the UPC, a good reputation and importance, and confidence of the political sector of the university. Martinez asserts that Internet technologies are here to stay and face this fact, advised to follow 10 targets:
First, to evaluate the repositories with the authors to design them according to user needs. Second, improve the positioning of repositories in the international rankings to gain visibility of the university and the authors. Third, do not do everything well, has to customize the repository (as reports), and has to provide value added services (information for teachers about copyright). Fourth, more open repositories, not just the result of research articles, but also the data investigated. Fifth, build repositories interoperable. Sixth, by default the articles published in trade journals to be deposited in institutional repositories (remember Suber commented when negotiating with the publishers to get the exemption for institutional repositories?). Seventh, create repositories of teaching (increase in students taking notes on pc). Eighth, open repositories 2.0 tools, connect to social networks and enrich the user input (Margaix and said the benefits of including these social tools in the repositories). Ninth, the innovative idea to join forces with the editorial staff of the university and publishing digitally in OA, that financial resources remain with the researcher. And finally, innovate, together, unity is strength.
questions were not short. Of all the most controversial rescue, the quality. To confuse quality with popularity. Or to cite an article because is bad, ergo this article is not quality. Or the editor will not publish the article (of quality) because it is politically counter rector of my university. Or that Einstein's most cited papers are the most cited in ISI. Or bad deal mounted, the university pays for the research, the researcher gives article to get prestige and pay back the university to access the article through the library.
advancing scientific knowledge network, its agents are not. Ortiz Grelda
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