Charles Oppenheim (Loughborough University) presented the financial barriers to access facing abierto en su comunicación “

En su entretenida e interesantísima comunicación, explicó las reglas del juego económico. El modelo económico de suscripción conocido como “bid deal”, de compra consorciada, aparentemente permite a las bibliotecas adquirir muchas publicaciones a un mejor precio, además que les permite negociar con los editores unas mejores condiciones de compra. Pero las obliga a pagar por algo que no saben si será lo suficientemente bueno como para utilizarlo, sin olvidar de que están financiando a la editorial al pagar por adelantado, los editores dejan de correr riesgos, trabajan sobre seguro. El OA ha abierto new economic models, and some worry the rapporteur, specifically that of "Author pays", wherein if the library has not paid, the institution continues to pay (the author does not usually pay out of pocket), that is, it continues to fund to the publisher. And if the item is rejected, which has already been paid, you lose! Considered that OA is a good alternative for new publications that want to be known as PLoS
. That is one thing. On the other are the repositories that are not exactly cheap to create or maintain, especially when it has to convince the authors to deposit in them, as the Depot
. Name one of the arguments put forward by publishers: many non-OA publications in quality (after publication in OA wanted to recruit him as editor in exchange for advertising "any" of his articles without peer review and free) ... and this is how you reach the root of the problem, what is being paid?
In January 2009 the report was published
that revolutionized British publishers. Written by Australian economist John Houghton
, the rapporteur and other partners, provides economic data show that the British Exchequer can save up to 100 million pounds if academic journals publish in open access. The angry response was immediate, commercial publishers be branded antieditorial report, that the report contained errors, which researchers did not contact them. What the editors did not mention is that the authors of the report if you contact them, but did not obtain the information requested by the latter "confidential." Moreover, since the editors have found errors in the report, they say that ... have not done.

Institutional repositories not only face economic barriers but also barriers to use, access to knowledge. Mireia Ribera (UB) in his presentation on "
The Accessibility repositories "told us it is a myth that blind people use braille to surf the web, use the audio. Hence the importance of creating well-structured repositories, allowing the presentation of content in different ways, the xml element
DTBook makes it possible. Developing repositories that allow visually impaired users to use tools like Jaws
, TextAloud
or ZoomText, allowing the text to hear it is a necessity, an obligation. For this it is important to get the digital rights to allow the processing of information. Bank oresentó a technical proposal for how to accessible institutional repositories today, introducing standards as DAISY
in the flow of the repositories. Technical tools exist and ethical reasons as well. No one can speak of open access if a significant portion of users do not have access to it.
Grelda Ortiz
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