obesity and social anxiety
From the 80 obesity has reached epidemic proportions. In our country half the population suffers from this condition and need to diet to lose weight.
Moreover, the epidemic is not limited to adults, the percentage of young people who are overweight has doubled in the last 20 years from 10 to 15%.
According to a report of the Hospital de Clinicas, overall the rate of overweight is 65%. The numbers have grown over the past 15 years. It also affects two out of ten boys. Of these, 80% will be obese as an adult.
Specialists the CEETA are available for consultation or interviews on the subject. 02322-664772 or 02322-664772 reported to 011-15-6096-4651 to pursue them or send an email to noelia@quasarcomunicacion.com.ar
obesity and social anxiety
For its part, from the Center Specialized Studies in Anxiety Disorders (CEET) claim that obesity is closely related to social anxiety.
Social Anxiety is based on the fear of not being accepted socially, because it is associated with loss of self esteem and depression-inducing thoughts, leading to inappropriate behavior.
Failure to correspond to certain body measurements makes people feel they have a predisposition to social anxiety, probably the end of suffering or exacerbate the table. A person suffering from social anxiety and obesity will be more conditioned and we will be more difficult to cope with situations than one that is not. Obesity and anxiety
up a pernicious cycle to be detected and treated.
Some authors consider psychological factors as causes of obesity, others, however, believe that is a consequence of social discrimination towards the obese.
The truth is that a greater or lesser extent, are present and is essential knowledge and identification to be addressed if it is to succeed treatment.
"Society has created a widely accepted physical stereotypes regarding thinness and beauty and who does not adhere to the same feel discriminated against and seen, which makes people feel under no obligation to correspond to a certain size or body measurements This reinforces feelings of inferiority, which ultimately are the basis for feeling anxious, which increases the predisposition to feel social anxiety, "says Ms. Gabriela Martinez Castro, Director of CEET.
Also from CEETA added that "one of the symptoms associated with this type of disorder is due to increasing levels of anxiety also increases hyperphagia (Increased intake), which is the desire to eat more and richer, as carbohydrates lower anxiety levels. "

From the 80 obesity has reached epidemic proportions. In our country half the population suffers from this condition and need to diet to lose weight.
Moreover, the epidemic is not limited to adults, the percentage of young people who are overweight has doubled in the last 20 years from 10 to 15%.
According to a report of the Hospital de Clinicas, overall the rate of overweight is 65%. The numbers have grown over the past 15 years. It also affects two out of ten boys. Of these, 80% will be obese as an adult.
Specialists the CEETA are available for consultation or interviews on the subject. 02322-664772 or 02322-664772 reported to 011-15-6096-4651 to pursue them or send an email to noelia@quasarcomunicacion.com.ar
obesity and social anxiety
For its part, from the Center Specialized Studies in Anxiety Disorders (CEET) claim that obesity is closely related to social anxiety.
Social Anxiety is based on the fear of not being accepted socially, because it is associated with loss of self esteem and depression-inducing thoughts, leading to inappropriate behavior.
Failure to correspond to certain body measurements makes people feel they have a predisposition to social anxiety, probably the end of suffering or exacerbate the table. A person suffering from social anxiety and obesity will be more conditioned and we will be more difficult to cope with situations than one that is not. Obesity and anxiety
up a pernicious cycle to be detected and treated.
Some authors consider psychological factors as causes of obesity, others, however, believe that is a consequence of social discrimination towards the obese.
The truth is that a greater or lesser extent, are present and is essential knowledge and identification to be addressed if it is to succeed treatment.
"Society has created a widely accepted physical stereotypes regarding thinness and beauty and who does not adhere to the same feel discriminated against and seen, which makes people feel under no obligation to correspond to a certain size or body measurements This reinforces feelings of inferiority, which ultimately are the basis for feeling anxious, which increases the predisposition to feel social anxiety, "says Ms. Gabriela Martinez Castro, Director of CEET.
Also from CEETA added that "one of the symptoms associated with this type of disorder is due to increasing levels of anxiety also increases hyperphagia (Increased intake), which is the desire to eat more and richer, as carbohydrates lower anxiety levels. "
More info at: CEETA
social anxiety phobia Anxiety social phobia anxiety self shyness fear fear speaking anxiety Public blush blush social skills assertiveness behavioral psychotherapy disorder problems psychological
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