Paper "validator open access policies"
Reme Melero (CSIC)
Friday March 5, 9,30 h.
MELIBEA is a directory and validator of policies for open access to scientific and academic production. As a board, describes the existing institutional policies related to open access (OA) to scientific and academic production. While validator, subjected to a qualitative and quantitative analysis based on compliance with a set of indicators that reflect the basis on which corporate policy is based.
The validator indicates a score and a percentage of compliance for each of the policies reviewed. This is done from the values \u200b\u200bassigned to certain indicators and their weighting according to their relative importance. The sum of the weighted values \u200b\u200bof each of the indicators follows a percentile scale and leads to what we call "open access validated Percentage", the calculus is presented in the Methodology section.
types of institutions are analyzed universities, research centers, funding agencies and government organizations.
MELIBEA has three main objectives:
1. Establish indicators to see what are the strengths and weaknesses of an institutional policy conducive to AA.
2. Propose a methodology to guide the institutions on the issues to be considered for the development of a policy of open access istitucional
3. Provide a tool to compare the contents of policies between institutions as
The idea is to apply a sequence of questions that lead to the development of a clear, precise and containing aspects and details to consider when listing a AA corporate policy, Remedios Melero
PhD in Chemistry. Works at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Technology Food
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