banking and Textures
Monday, February 28, 2011
What Wood Is Safe For Rabbits To Chew
this entry
My Mesa Limp about the issue of subsidies to English cinema. As one who takes this blog has already filmed things I guess he knows what he speaks. But if we should trust our news as it
: "Pa Negre," the winner of the Goya movie (not so the best, but not sleazy) has cost four million euros
grants from public
. What gets in my face, is that after paying the English films with our money (for the public money out of our pockets, not a magic cauldron that sometimes we forget) can not see them as they want, and we criminals call them on the network or download them from the network. And laws are removed, yes or yes, pay before making the film (with subsidies) see it or not, and then in the cinema or buying / renting the DVD. Not really. Pay twice for the same no. Des No way. You can now change the system of subsidies, more logical and less grafter, but keep an obsolete dinosaur and swallows - Euro is not the most appealing to viewers.
In that sense, I liked the consistency of
Alex de la Iglesia, who first heard
people through the network, then met with representatives of the Internet to hear their points view (only that it is rare, and less in the lobbies of the arts in this country) after which he changed his initial view, so that was frowned upon among their peers, then delivered a sincere and strong words on the new Goya maintaining posture and balance
proposal between the parties, and defending the network as a good medium of communication, and maintaining that industry has to adapt to the spectators, at last, after all, eat.
No single politician or public figure in this country to take errors in their opinion publicly as he has done, but in addition, demonstrated with
facts and not only in words their ideas. His new film will Creative Commons license, is being filmed without any subsidy, and will be distributed online to 2 €.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pretty Woman - Brown Dress In Movie
My dream come true. I note that I do not like Tele5 far from that program, "The Seeker", but this story caught my attention. Seen
six years ago that
rode this bar. I rode with no pretense and little by little it has been molding me, with the respective changes (both content and aesthetic) that was suffering as I was going inheriting
have been written 365 entries
all these 6 years. The most visited
all these 6 years. The most visited
(For visitors from Google in particular) generally are not worth much, but sometimes the internet is better than a title right and good positioning in Google than other things (although they may be curious or interesting).
Salisbury, Stonehenge and Bath
(photos) The main traffic sources (excluding social networks and Google) are Beggar's cave ( The beggar look
) of Manolox (Videos
- alternative), the photo of Harvey ( My worldviews) and The Flintstones Cave
- , all more desirable than this. They are also the most frequent commentators and visitors and therefore more alive who keep this stall in a way.
- But I know that many more people you visit often, many of which follow in social networks or on their blogs, I also try to visit but often not comment.
- Most visitors come from Spain, but also many from South America, USA (normal given the language), but also dropped one of the Netherlands and even South Korea!. Obviously a google search of images and stuff. A
- browsers level, the most used to come here are Internet Explorer (40%), Firefox (33%), Chrome (13%) and Safari (11%).
- If you look at the
All you have to either visit this space, and to comment, thank you so strongly . I also thank everyone who refers or has linked this blog on their sites or networks social. I hope you can occasionally get something interesting here (a picture, some thought, a joke or a song), and also that I can be useful when you want to spread (modestly) something. This space is your space , that of everyone who wants to participate. A hug all / as!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Milk Wholeseller Toronto
Contemporary Art and the "experts"
The picture is a symbol of what Germany is doing with Europe: tell him what to do, to not go the abyss. At the recent meeting that have kept the European leaders in Brussels, Merkel and Sarkozy have proposed a "pact for competitiveness" (read pact insecurity), to be the script to be followed by European countries to convenience of the Teutons. It's essentially a series of measures (which have not liked in the other countries) to worsen the conditions of the workers, following the neoliberal trend that is achieved only by lowering wages and job competition, always the same fallacy. More measures that have already been taken in Ireland, Spain, Greece or even Germany itself, one of the EU countries where inequalities have grown most in recent years and where they are losing workers more purchasing power (see PDF
German wages fall). To make matters worse, Germany wants these measures be adopted without following the European channels, passing through the lining to the European Commission (which has not liked Barroso).
The most media calls "the engine of Europe", Germany, is not only a kind of European China: the search for low wages and many export and impose your prescription to the entire European community, dragging in their errors. As Merkel has recently visiting Spain, reviewing if they had implemented measures to impoverish us (labor reform, pensions ...) and pointing to follow that line. Of course, a country that impoverishes workers (behind Germany will be that much social spending and low inequality in the past) did not ask for your neighbors.
to me and not slip me: this Europe is not what I
. European markets, of liberalism, inequality, insecurity. Impoverish us all to keep Germany, and banks. No, I do not belong to the European Union. For me that is the methane the Arc de Triomphe.
. European markets, of liberalism, inequality, insecurity. Impoverish us all to keep Germany, and banks. No, I do not belong to the European Union. For me that is the methane the Arc de Triomphe.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can You Wear Kelly Green With Black?
6 years
I want to express my absolute
indignation at the vile attitudes, discriminatory and unfair of the bank, but also to the existing laws that allow backward such abuses, as well as inaction on the part of politicians and media, which have not been unfazed by this and really interested subject, despite having been notified and requested repeatedly.
The misconduct of the generality of our politicians and media professionals, is only matched by his lack humanity and conscience. Some people seem to have succumbed completely to the power of this and other financial institutions, completely forgetting their obligations to this society and election commitments made with the public. Some media professionals who seem to have become circus showman or presenters, where priority is absurd and entertainment news over a free and independent information to help preserve this democracy.
This letter addressed to Mr. Booty aims to give visibility to this case and many similar ones that occur daily and seem doomed to oblivion and contempt of most politicians and journalists. I demand more democratic accountability and professional these people and stop hiding cases like Jose Luis Burgos. We demand the
Santander Bank to abandon its attitude against the most abusive through this weak 
letter to Booty. To follow the case can access the blog itself José Luis Burgos, and this article
but goes so: newspapers, universities, corporations, government, education, health systems, network, energy ... everything is based on models of the industrial age, and are failing.
There have been other crises.
Like Gutenberg's printing press allowed to evolve from a model of agriculture to the industrial era with all its social changes government, internet leads from the industrial to the digital.
And all our institutions are still in the industrial model ...
Yes, universities are given industrial education: a master class from one to many, as in the media, mass production and distribution, health services and democracy, political elite and a mass who elect them.
What is the new model? There are five principles to build it. The first is collaboration, as opposed to the hierarchy model. Now the partnership can be given in an astronomical scale: million people have created an encyclopedia. Is extrapolated?Linux, free operating system has been created by hundreds of thousands of contributors. The third part of motorcycles manufactured in the world are the result of hundreds of small companies are to collaborate.![]()
Second principle.
Openness and transparency.
That goes against the ways of making the world's governments.
Yes, but the light is a good disinfectant. Everyone is concerned about Wikileaks, which is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many ugly things in governments and corporations, and when they come to light evolve for the better. Third

Interdependence, businesses can not succeed in a world that is failing. If Spain does not repay its sovereign debt, the euro as a whole would collapse and lead the world into depression. Fourth
Sharing intellectual property is no longer necessary. The Guardian has released all its previous editions, IBM gave $ 400 million in software to Linux, which is responsible for developing it with volunteers and IBM takes step to develop a multibillion-dollar hardware linked to this new software. Sharing is creating wealth. Five
Integrity. The institutions of the world in which we live have been built on integrity.
The lack of integrity of bankers almost destroyed the entire capitalist model. The result of the dishonesty of bankers in New York is 40% youth unemployment in Spain.
The capitalist model is based on the law of the strongest and the smartest.
That's the capitalism of the industrial age and will not return. Many corporations are being forced to transparency and are improved because of it.
What are the axes of change?
global communication: the Internet, the younger generation who are digital natives, the social revolution through social networks, and entrepreneurs.
Companies "also change?
So far, the talent was within the institutions. Procter & Gamble has hired 700 chemicals, but 50% of innovation comes from Internet communities. Companies are failing to follow pyramidal models. Let
All are in crisis. The English government, for example, the English were out expensive, let alone healthcare.
I as government I have great information and I will post raw data. For example, crime statistics, greenhouse gas emissions at home, activities of entrepreneurs and other many categories.
Providing all the information you have to citizens and businesses can be organized to create public value. I met with the Mayor of Melbourne because they had a problem of bicycle accidents. Simply proposed to publish online all information it had on such accidents.
Within 24 hours someone created a website with a map of the places most at risk of accident, and this was followed by many others. In a week they were saving lives with a zero cost to the government.
The idea is a government platform.
Yes, that releases information allowing the world organize autonomously to create public value to the citizen's initiative. Democracy must be reviewed.
Yes, poor.
The youth vote is going down at all the world and is not an issue of lack of values, is the point in history where the youth volunteering is higher. Want to participate and they are the future.
September en
Very well, you change the calendar and go. Is sufficiently irrelevant that the change does not mean anything, does it?
, and also telling him how to meet these future events based on what astrology (which is not a science
, not astronomy) dictates.
Come, a thymus
Now it appears this newcomer, seem willing to change almost all signs of dates, which the wise
estimates and guesses are going to hell
Honestly, this and the
, or homeopathy, with supporters and payers, and smart-ass who can live in the XXI century it is hardly acceptable, and leaves them in good stead to society, education and culture. In some fail if we fall even today in these scams so little subtle and unconvincing to a minimum viewing critical.
estimates and guesses are going to hell
, or homeopathy, with supporters and payers, and smart-ass who can live in the XXI century it is hardly acceptable, and leaves them in good stead to society, education and culture. In some fail if we fall even today in these scams so little subtle and unconvincing to a minimum viewing critical.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Example Of Cover Sheet For Term Paper
Speech Alex de la Iglesia in 2011 Goya
The Basque armed group ETA declares a permanent ceasefire, comprehensive and verifiable by the international community.
Declaration PDF
Source (And still doing it today) it seems that Europe has not taken to be in a better position to at least have a say in the world.
Europe has decided that all that you do not care. And also give citizens alike. While we cut all social and destroy the welfare state (who had, in Spain is the Midwest
Europe is now sold
China (at the time was sold to USA, After going bankrupt in world wars stupid) to save your ass from banks, and the snout of politicians.
The Chinese vice premier tour, with stops in Spain, Britain and Germany, aims to ensure that its main customer will keep buying, and for that China buys European debt (as it does with the USA, in large quantities .) Although obviously it's not free and have their conditions (lifting the arms embargo and restrictions on exports of high technology, etc.).
As far as Spain is concerned, China has been the tour
Kings, and our government and companies have already bowed before the new boss. Anything before changing the way we understand both the economy and society before changing the savage capitalism based on consumerism and capital on the job for something more humane, more just. No, not that.
The Basque armed group ETA declares a permanent ceasefire, comprehensive and verifiable by the international community.
Source (And still doing it today) it seems that Europe has not taken to be in a better position to at least have a say in the world.
Europe has decided that all that you do not care. And also give citizens alike. While we cut all social and destroy the welfare state (who had, in Spain is the Midwest
Europe is now sold
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