Physical Activity Proper exercise helps to tone muscle, avoiding both excessive rigidity and nervous system activation, promoting a healthy tiredness that promotes restful sleep and ease the excess musings and ruminations.
If your fitness is unfortunate (we have symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, nausea) and can not tolerate intense exercise, you can choose to split it into fragments small throughout the day and from a gentle pace to win well enough to tackle more demanding efforts. We can also play sports entertainment that we like it or enjoyed it in the past.
sleeping and eating habits
The exertion involved a disorderly life has a weight by itself, a factor in the overall result of excessive anxiety. Regular
sleep, so that is sufficient and that the body finds a release in order to be adapted to a systematic routine, can help reduce stress.
A varied diet and not too heavy helps control many gastric symptoms are favored in state anxiety (diarrhea, constipation, gas, upset stomach, etc). Many people can detect the degree of anxiety about the sensations they produce in the stomach, others for the feelings of morning sickness: a few and not others should be complicated by inadequate nutrition.
A high degree of anxiety influence the timing of sleep is more difficult because they appear in the mind bursts of thoughts that reveal, or we do, when we would play relax, tired with heavy soul-searching and arduous preparations for the next day. The result is that steal time from sleep because our state is too fragile to withstand these provocations.
would be advisable until we can recover fast asleep capacity we help ourselves by choosing a different time for reflection and planning of the day leave the next morning. In return we will relax thinking of pleasant things or reading an article of those that induce sleep. If you're over 15 'remove the covers, unable to sleep, instead of making us bad blood, it is preferable to get up and continue reading the article or viendoun heavy boring television program until we notice that the eyelids weighed and then return to bed.

The anxious person can torture themselves with ease by the fact that if you have trouble sleeping will be difficult to be clear the next day and is tormented by the thought of approaching the hour of awakening. It's better in this circumstance in mind that if you have to sleep a few hours is better to accept that because of endeavor, protest or complain even less sleep. Neither his condition the next day or it will be so sad to think, unless you become obsessed with the process is repeated ominously, that in the days following his own body will fight to recover.
The same anticipation or fear that just can not sleep can cause us to sleep badly (just as the fear that assails us a navajero in a dark alley that produces calm Let's walk through the area). We must remember falling asleep is something passive, something we do not put much effort of will and we drive with the lash of the phrase "I have to sleep!'', Therefore the method to make the dream come without panic seeing the picture of how we hope, is to do nothing, not even thinking about it, just living the day (so do not ask unrest last minute consolation), and to finish the night with neutral activities (not too exciting or too ugly).
face a stressful situation imposes a certain reduction of our aspirations. We can not force the pace to fit more things in the same period of time, and must be selected with relevant criteria, trying to delegate or defer the rest.
Even if we reduce the amount we be so fast to go with the same haste and haste when we afanábamos, leaving holes of sudden inactivity as one eats in a citation and No food that is seen in the plane and spends the rest of Food nervous waiting for the others run out. Slowing
means slow down our movement by forcing a "walking speed,''gloated betting with perfection and polish what we have at hand (for example, write with very good hand, selecting words, phrases expand going into details and considerations , review the work and creative small improvements).
The feelings of emptiness to be filled with something to help us meet this insane not crack unbearable, attending carefully to what we observe around us right to where I am Shelock Holmes , as is the person I am, playing to create something fun, entertaining and relaxed to provide enjoyment to the time spent and that they waited to become a living.
Planning activities
wisdom and cunning in planning our activities is another useful tool to defuse tensions, knowing insert appropriate breaks to relieve anxiety dela growth or changing the type of task to a softer or bearable, to regain a good mood and face the harshness of the day conenergías always on instead of flagging.
not forget that at the end of the day we have to satisfy different needs and not neglect them is a way to harmonize, spending time with friends, to our readings, music and personal pleasures, taking moments of emotional contact. As the different selves we are, we review and strengthen the skeleton and the plot that holds us.
drug Help
If symptoms of anxiety or consequences reported in psychosomatic disorders (those that stress a risk factor, triggering or aggravating) is too unpleasant or disabling, we can use pharmacological aid.
sedatives and anxiolytics can be helpful on todosi give them support a modest role, putting our interésy determined to change bad habits, eliminate the causes of anxiety and learn to improve our emotional control.
is inadequate and dangerous tranquilizers considered as a drug that gives relief to keep doing what were doing, but not unpleasant consequences (something like if someone asked the doctor a medicine for stomach pain to continue giving binge at will).
Relaxation exercises, breathing and yoga are as powerful as a drug, though somewhat more laborious. It may be a good investment to learn these techniques that will not only be useful in addressing the present, but help us care to the burdens that we lay ahead. Activities
manuals Handicraft activities are very convenient for people found to have anxieties and intellectual concerns. Artistic hobbies and DIY do contact us with simple objects and we sweeten, making sink our roots in reality. Enjoying nature has similar beneficial effect.
people whose stress has a physical origin (relentless bustle, children fluttered, heavy physical exertion, stultifying mechanical operations, etc.) But rather in the opposite, to park the body and make Spirit works with things that encourage intelligence (not that stunning, such as laying on the couch and watch TV for hours), as it could be a learning (languages, computers, workshop) or associational activity (apa, neighborhood , NGOs, etc..) or playful. Sexuality
If you have a partner should devote attention and use, as we have it, trying to cultivate mutual attraction. Satisfactory sexual intercourse (to prevent them becoming demanding, compulsive or routine) have a very beneficial effect to ward tension. It can be a good time to improve communication and the art of love.
Increase social, network, participate in discussions, informal meetings and cultivate friendships are positive and commendable ideas for themselves and should not be ignored thinking that "retirement''and isolation reassure us more (the idea of \u200b\u200ba mountain resort in lost).
Indeed there is a form of relaxation is to simplify (lie, not seeing anyone, do nothing, stunned with things we do not complicate life) and there is another form of relaxation that comes from the satisfaction and morale, if we had bothered to do something with some quality, having an interest in others and the external world (the idea that the world around us is a spa). Particularly
should subside by the affective link with vitalizing contact with the people around us from the neighbor to our partner or family.
Abstract published in page:
social anxiety phobia Anxiety social phobia anxiety esteem shyness fear fear anxiety Public speaking blush blush social skills assertiveness behavioral psychotherapy disorder psychological problems