cognitive restructuring
Dear Blog readers Social Anxiety:

This technique follows, cognitive restructuring, it was very effective in the process of reversing my social phobia.
I'm sure with dedication and commitment can also be put into practice and identifying and modifying the enormity of dysfunctional or negative thoughts we usually have those who suffer from this.
I wish you every success !____________________________________________________________
What you think a person has direct effect on your emotional state and behavior. To cope with stress and controlling its incidence is important to control what we think before conflicts. In this section we present a technique that helps to control negative thoughts that can interfere in our everyday day. The application of this technique to identify interpretations, attributions, etc.. nonadaptive before, during and / or after a conflict, evaluate these thoughts and find suitable alternatives.
1. Concept of cognitive restructuring
The first step in understanding the usefulness of this technique is to recognize the importance of what you think about emotions and how to act. People tend to interpret differently a conflict. These variations depend on individual factors (previous experience, their own fears, personal expectations, etc.). Different ways of seeing a situation have to feel different emotions (fear, security, etc.) As ways of behaving with the situation varies. In short, the way we interpret a situation have a decisive bearing on how people live and therefore on the stress and anxiety that we suffer.
Cognitive restructuring is a psychological technique, the goal of which is to identify, analyze, and modify erroneous interpretations or thoughts that people experience in certain situations or that they have on others.
2. Procedure to use this technique
then explain in detail, and implement the procedure for developing the technique of cognitive restructuring.
2.1. Identification of inappropriate thoughts
People are constantly immersed in a dialogue with themselves, though not always realize. A person may believe he is not thinking anything in a particular situation, because the mind has been so well learned that come to be automatic (as in certain acts such as driving a car or walking). This generally positive. It would be impossible to be continuously outstanding thoughts. Still, when a negative impact on the way they feel or act must be identified so that they can modify.
is important to identify inappropriate thoughts quickly to avoid cutting to invade and vicious circles. In short, avoid the snowball effect.
To identify cognitive schemas may be useful to know the most common types of thoughts.
is important to identify inappropriate thoughts quickly to avoid cutting to invade and vicious circles. In short, avoid the snowball effect.
To identify cognitive schemas may be useful to know the most common types of thoughts.
In general thoughts can be classified into:
• Thoughts: They are objective, realistic, facilitate the achievement of the purposes and cause appropriate emotions the situation. Neutral
• Thoughts: Do not interfere or influence the emotions or behavior to a situation.
• maladaptive thoughts, distort reality or reflect partly hinder the achievement of the objectives and tend to cause emotions appropriate to the situation.
generally maladaptive thoughts tend to:
• Thoughts: Do not interfere or influence the emotions or behavior to a situation.
• maladaptive thoughts, distort reality or reflect partly hinder the achievement of the objectives and tend to cause emotions appropriate to the situation.
generally maladaptive thoughts tend to:
1.Extraer general conclusions from a small detail, an isolated incident or a single incident.
2.Interpretar any fact or situation without extreme or average.
3.Juzgar any situation from dogmatic values \u200b\u200b(bias). 4.Culpabilizarse
oneself from others' mistakes or blame others or circumstances for his own mistakes. 5.Intentar
continually prove our point of view is the only correct one.
6.Exagerar the consequences of any unfortunate event.
7.Minimizar or underestimate their own abilities, etc.
However, the identification of one's thoughts is not always as easy as it sounds and, for some people, know the kinds of thoughts is often not sufficient. Self may not be aware of many thoughts if not self-observations and are trained to do so.
short, in everyday life can not be constantly watching the own thoughts, therefore, it is necessary to have indicators that serve as signs to warn. It is recommended that, before, during and after situations that are difficult for you, or when experiencing negative emotional states. Wonder what they are thinking at the time.
2.2. Assessment and analysis of the thoughts
thoughts Once identified, they must be analyzed. A good way to do this is by asking questions, the fact that they have mentally answer requires reflection. The type of questions should be directed to consider three areas.
Types discussion questions and thoughts
analyze the extent to which thoughts correspond to reality (objectivity)
analyze the consequences of thoughts (Consequences)
Discuss what would happen if it is thought were true (Relativizing)
Thus you will see that there are thoughts that are unrealistic, which hinder the resolution of the situation and although they were real, not the severity level would be as high as it seemed at first.
follows are a series questions, by way of example, each of these sections. It should be borne in mind that they are general examples that have to adapt to every situation.
analyze the extent to which thoughts correspond to reality: (always asking questions about the event in question)
Do I have enough evidence?
data confirm what I'm thinking?
Do I need information?
Am I underrated?
My interpretation is partial?
"I exaggerate?
over "I take responsibility?
Analyze the consequences of thinking this way: (always asking us questions about thoughts)
Can I use something Spinning is unproductive?
the give you help me round and round? How
affects my thinking in my social / family relationships?
In my work?
In my state of mind?
analyze what would happen if what you thought were true: (Always with questions)
I wish things were otherwise but ... Is it important for me?
Would it be a serious setback or something really serious? Would
unpleasant or unavoidable circumstance? Am
would affect over a period of time (one month, two months, one year) or during all my life?
Would I could take things more serious? What?
2.3. Search alternative thoughts
The last step of the procedure is the search for alternative ways to interpret the situation inadequately reflect reality. It is very important to understand that this is not to deceive, but to see things as realistic as possible to address them properly.
alternative thoughts are the findings of the restructure . Once obtained can be used as self-instruction, ie what a person says to herself at the time that maladaptive thoughts invade and help you see reality more objectively.
to find alternative thoughts may be useful the following questions:
Is this the only possible way of interpreting reality?
Are there other ways of doing so which ones?
What would you say to a friend who had these thoughts?
What I would say a friend or relative? Why?
Could do something more productive to address them getting around the same topic over and over again? What?
How likely is it that these forms are most relevant?
Are more likely to help me achieve my goals that the initial seed is the situation?
Are more likely to get improve my mood?
Are more likely to positively affect the way I act? Etc.
The procedure for developing the technique Cognitive restructuring is as follows:
• Identifying inappropriate thoughts
• Evaluation and analysis of these thoughts
• Finding alternative thoughts
The procedure for developing the technique Cognitive restructuring is as follows:
• Identifying inappropriate thoughts
• Evaluation and analysis of these thoughts
• Finding alternative thoughts
3. Guidelines for the application of cognitive restructuring
probably the procedure seems complex and difficult to apply to reality. In fact, it is true. This unit explains the procedure in a scheduled, structured and, therefore, seems artificial. The manual is a tool that helps you understand the technique and can serve (as the instructions of a computer program) when no doubt remember or something and you want to see. Once technique is mastered, this can deconstruct and adapt to the needs of the real situation.
3.1 When you can use cognitive restructuring?
Application to self:
or problems in situations in which sufficient time for reflection. For example, know that after tomorrow will be built into a new job or have had a situation where you believe they have been inefficient and have some thoughts modifications. In these two cases have time to think and, therefore, can be used (if necessary) the whole procedure and structured.
In situations where you have to give a faster response. For example, they receive a notice that is required to meet with her boss in his office and while going over there have thoughts modifications. Obviously in this case may not apply the technique as it is in the manual. While following the steps of the procedure, you can make four or five questions to help them analyze the situation more objectively. To do this, you do not necessarily follow all the steps or in the order shown in procedimiento.Incluso often uses the restructuring cognitive instantly, without even asking questions. Everyone has found themselves in situations that cause anxiety and has been very good awareness (identify) I was nervous and said: "Relax, I do I have to take as a personal matter, I can cope", etc. A very simple self-study can help to control themselves (cut negative vicious cycles that increase anxiety and make it lose control of the behavior) and face the situation more appropriately.
How to apply cognitive restructuring basically depend on the time available. In the event that sufficient time can make the whole procedure step by step. If not available this time you can ask a few questions that will help to see reality more objectively. In some cases it can even be done immediately, limiting the self-instructions say to cut the vicious negative increase anxiety. Being able to do all this process quickly reduces the likelihood of suffering stress and anxiety.
Application to another person:
In situations in which an acquaintance or family member tells them everyday problems (like the ones everybody has usually). Likely to be more likely to interpret reality correctly if they think that if they tell you what to do. This is not questioning or to follow the procedure exactly but in the context of a normal conversation, introduce questions, from time to time, to help her think.
front of a person who has a major problem (such as alcoholism, depression ...). This is not a psychologist do not try to solve the problem. Cognitive restructuring can help to make this person think about the importance of seeking assistance from an expert.
When applied cognitive restructuring to another person have to enter questions in a normal conversation, not like questioning. In cases of serious problems as much as you can get is to see the person who needs the help of a professional.
front of a person who has a major problem (such as alcoholism, depression ...). This is not a psychologist do not try to solve the problem. Cognitive restructuring can help to make this person think about the importance of seeking assistance from an expert.
When applied cognitive restructuring to another person have to enter questions in a normal conversation, not like questioning. In cases of serious problems as much as you can get is to see the person who needs the help of a professional.
3.2. Example of the application of cognitive restructuring quickly
just started an internship at a company first aid and have to leave in an ambulance with a partner who has spent four years working there. Receive a notice that there has been a traffic accident near where they are and have to go. While going there with his partner has some thoughts less adaptive:
Identification of thoughts: "I'll there and not know what to do!, I will not know that I have to perform first aid, If I see a lot of blood can I get dizzy, Everybody know that I am dizzy. "
Objectivity, " I alone? My partner has experience?, I'm in training period ... I have to know how to do everything perfect?, Have I ever sick in such situations?, Do I have first aid training? "
Consequences : "Think this will help me make a correct intervention?"
If it were true : What if I get seasick? Maybe I have to attend my next to
injured. So hard that my colleagues would know that I am sick? What can happen if I do not feel safe enough to apply first aid? Who is more logical to take the initiative, I or my partner? "I can help you meet the wounded or other things?"
alternative thoughts: "I'm not alone, my partner has more experience than me and it is normal to be responsible for the most complicated tasks. I never saw blood dizzy, why should I go now? No I have enough experience to claim to do everything right the first time. If I keep thinking this way the only thing you get is put still more nervous and make it worse. For me dizzy actually not be so serious. If colleagues know it does not matter, sure I'm not the first to be dizzy, as much a little laugh at my expense. "
This example illustrates the application of the technique in a complicated situation. No need to ask questions of all sections and follow the order. May be more or fewer questions, or even identify maladaptive thoughts and go directly to alternative thoughts. Whether you apply in a way like the other, they can help address the situation more effectively.
Bibliography: - MCKAY, M., DAVIS, M., Fanning, P. - "Cognitive Techniques for stress management" Source
social anxiety anxiety phobia social phobia self shyness anxiety fear fear anxiety public speaking blush blush social skills assertiveness behavioral psychotherapy disorder psychological problems