Sunday, August 30, 2009

Swollen Face 38 Weeks Pregnant

Reversing Anxiety and Phobias Addiction to the Imagination

Covert conditioning techniques

Model Strategies and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

usually identified on clinical work Cognitive Restructuring Cognitive with proposed by Aaron Beck and carried out with techniques such as discussion and testing of automatic thoughts or finding alternative solutions and rational. Undoubtedly, the latter is one of the most prominent developments in the approach.
However, there are many other procedures that can be described as "cognitive" as of right, such as training in problem solving, training in anxiety management, self-control of internal dialogue or self-instruction training .
We chose dedicate this small space to called "covert conditioning techniques" or "coverante control techniques" developed primarily by Joseph Caution.
is a set of intervention strategies with the same denominator, in fact, all of them apply the principles of classical learning and working with mental images and symbolic representations, called private events within this conceptual context.
Thus, the covert conditioning techniques are a kind of hinge between the behavioral and cognitive models: applying the principles of conditioning, field traditionally considered behavioral phenomena to symbolic representations to verbal and visual elements of the cognitive field.

describe below three of these procedures.

covert modeling
the patient is trained in the symbolic repetition of appropriate behavior by a model imagined.
Operationally, consists of three stages. In the first, the person imagines a different model of himself in age and sex running the target behavior. In the second, imagine a model similar to himself in age and sex. For Finally, the third stage, he imagines himself as his own model making difficult behavior you want to incorporate. Since learning of new habits takes place gradually, usually advised that in the initial stages display a management model, ie someone to run the behavior some mistakes, the situation facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles. Conversely, during later stages of training is suggested the display of a domain model, which shows suitable and safe for their performance.

For example, in animal phobias is customary to design a treatment combined techniques. In short, after applying a systematic desensitization "traditional" appeal to the covert modeling, which starts with images of a person other than herself that between hesitation and with some anxiety can get close and cherish, for example, a dog is here is a management model in the first phase of training. Later, the patient displayed a similar subject himself approaching the dog and stroke it with little or no anxiety, we see here the second phase of training and a domain model. The last point is to imagine yourself performing the same action or event, the third phase of training and a domain model.

covert sensitization consists
imagined repetitions of behavior-problem symbolic paired with aversive events.

The aim is to bring some degree of inhibition in potentially harmful behaviors that the patient does not wish, for example, drinking alcohol, smoking, compulsive overeating or sexual deviations such as pedophilia.
This procedure is a kind of systematic desensitization Conversely, since what is intended is that the individual experience degree of anxiety about these unwanted behaviors or pathological manner which inhibits the occurrence of events.

The technique is aimed at altering the symbolic representations or mediators of unwanted activity, thus, its effectiveness depends on the behavior holds such mediators, ie we are not facing an automatic behavior.
Generally, it is used in addiction to the last phase of treatment when the patient attempts to acquire self-control to the environments that can lead to relapse.
For example, who suffers from alcoholism leads him to imagine situations where people are drinking followed by others that he experienced as aversive, that they give disgust or dislike him a lot. Thus, it weakens the appetite to consume in contexts similar to those imagined.

covert positive reinforcement consists
mating behavior with a positive reinforcer imagined imagery for the purpose of such behavior increases the probability of occurrence.

As a first step, it trains the patient to imagine an enjoyable activity that will be used later as a positive reinforcer. Then set the matching symbolic asked to imagine executing the desired behavior and immediately after change in his mind the image reinforcing.
The whole exercise consists of several trials, will result in an increase in desired behavior previously issued less frequently. The technique is recommended to increase behaviors inhibited by anxiety, delayed by lack of motivation or absent in the repertoire of the subject, it is also suggested to modify dysfunctional attitudes, even as a means to improve self-concept.

For example, in the case of a patient who complains of test anxiety, it is usual to design a systematic desensitization with a hierarchy that gradually approaching the feared situation, so the person achieved to reduce their anxiety and may yield.

Now, if this procedure is combined with the Covert Positive Reinforcement , it is induced to imagine a situation highly pleasurable for her next to each item in the hierarchy. Thus, not only achieve the decrease of test anxiety, but also linking the situation with feelings of pleasure, that will help change the negative view of it.

In addition, covert conditioning procedures aim to change affective, cognitive and behavioral supporting the idea that our imagination is a resource highly potent in changing behavior in reality.

In fact, both the imagination and our thoughts in general are the mediators between our situations every day and our behavior, in this sense that modulate our emotional reactions and actions. Consequently, the effectiveness of the techniques mentioned is due in large part to its power to modify or restructure our cognitions.

By: Mr. Ariel Minici, José Rivadeneira Dahab and Ms. Carmela

anxiety phobia social anxiety social phobia anxiety esteem shyness anxiety fear fear public speaking skills blush blush assertive social disorder behavioral therapy psychological problems

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tiffany Towers Latest

Assertiveness Test - Social Phobia Social Phobia and Self-Esteem

Although there are several meanings, we might define as an ability to communicate with others an effective, clear and comfortable but there is a conflict of interests, defending their own rights while taking into account the rights of others.
The assertiveness is not something you're born, that is, a feature of your personality, it is learned, especially in childhood. As something that is learned, you can acquire all these skills comfortably but assertive communication whenever desired, with varying degrees of difficulty, so much encouragement.
autoaplicable Please read this test and see what things would you change. Please answer each question YES or NO.


  • Defend your own rights
1. If you try to unfairly difficult do you explain quiet your rights?
2. Do you often feel you do not have the same rights as others?
3. Do you have accepted, on several occasions, unacceptable situations?
  • Reject requests, how to say "no"
4. When I ask a favor that you do not want to do you a hard time saying "no" and stay calm?
5. Do you feel that others often take advantage of your tendency to please them?
6. Have you suffered on several occasions an excessive emotional reaction by the feeling that others are abusing your tendency to "accept all"?
  • request favors and make requests
7. Do you find it difficult to take the initiative to express your wishes?
8. If another person's behavior bothers you, do you tell costs and ask them to change their behavior to you? In what ways do you get?
9. Do you feel uncomfortable when you do a favor and do not know what to say?
10. When ask a favor that you would be willing to do without too much difficulty do you feel something violent?
  • request behavioral change on the other
11. Is it hard to say for example: "Look, this I do not do it, change your behavior to me? Excess action (aggressive)
12. "They usually have you for an aggressive and ruthless person when you decide to speak your mind?
13. When you choose to disagree or express your opinions to others, "often feel offended, hurt, or react to defend itself from what they consider a personal attack?
  • express positive feelings (love, pleasure, affection) and negative (disgust, anger, justified anger expression)
14. Is it hard to express your love, say what you like?
15. Is it hard to express your anger and you prefer silence?
  • express personal opinion including disagreement
16. When your opinion does not match with the other costs do you express what you really think?
17. When you choose to express to others their position or disagreement with any fact, do you often feel tense to or lose control of your emotions?
18. "It is rare that you express your opinions, accepting and respecting the different viewpoints of others?
  • Fear of rejection
19. Cover up your feelings on many occasions for fear of being rejected / a?
20. Do you usually keep quiet and not express your ideas or opinions for fear of losing the sympathy of others?
21. Do you fear a negative reaction by others to the opportunity to express your views on any issue?
  • Management criticism
22.Cuando criticize you some action Do you often feel depressed / a?
23. Do you feel insecure / ae uncomfortable to interact with some authority?
24. Faced with criticism "You get used to defend justificándote or denying the evidence?
25. Do you have a low self concept yourself?
26. Do you feel uncomfortable to apologize or admit your ignorance on any subject?
  • make and accept compliments
27. If you make a compliment Do you feel uncomfortable, prefers to say it will be for the new suit, haircut, etc..?
28. When you see a beautiful girlfriend or has done something good would you say it costs easily?
  • express love, pleasure, affection
29. Is it hard to express your love, say what you like? The ability to initiate, continue and end conversations
30. Do you take the initiative to start, continue and end a conversation? Or if you hurry bored or stoically put up with "roll"?
If you answered yes to several of the questions you may be lacking sufficient social skills to express your wishes, forms thinking, etc. Anyway, consider that assertiveness is not a term dichotomous all or nothing, but a scale that can be more or less assertive, and naturally, the more assertive, you're more comfortable communicating with others .
To guide you on that social skill is where you have more difficulty we have outlined a title to the questions so you can identify which plot would you like to make any changes. As you yourself can see, some people have more difficulty in dealing with the opposite sex, others to defend their rights, others in expressing negative emotions, etc.
As we say above, all of these skills can be learned more or less effort.
Dr. Elisa Urbano
Psychologist, sexologist and therapist