Monday, November 9, 2009

Hanging A Heavy Mirror Without Hooks On Back

The Importance of Autestima - Social Phobia Social Phobia and Anxiety


The way we feel about ourselves crucially affects virtually every aspect of our experience, from how we function at work, love or sex, to our actions as parents and the possibilities we have to progress in life. Our responses to events depend on who and what we think we are. The dramas of our lives are reflections of the intimate glimpse we have of ourselves. Therefore, self-esteem is the key to success or failure.
also is the key to understanding and understanding others.
Apart from the problems of biological origin, I know of a single psychological difficulty, from anxiety and depression, fear of intimacy or success, the abuse of alcohol or drugs, poor performance in the studio or on work, to abuse women or rape of minors, sexual dysfunction or emotional immaturity, through suicide or violent crime-which is not attributable to a poor self-esteem. Of all the judgments that we submit, none is as important as our own . Positive self-esteem is the fundamental requirement for a full life.

Let's see what is the self . It has two components: a sense of personal ability and a sense of personal worth. In other words, self-esteem is the sum of the confidence and self-respect . Reflects the implicit view that everyone does their ability to meet the challenges of life (to understand and overcome the problems) and their right to be happy (respect and defend their interests and needs.)

Having a high self-confidence is to feel fit for life, that is, capable and valuable in the sense just indicated. Have low self-esteem is feeling useless for life; wrong, not with respect to such or that issue, but wrong as a person. Have an average self-esteem is wavering between feeling fit and useless, right and wrong as a person and show these inconsistencies in behavior "sometimes act wisely, sometimes foolishly, reinforcing thus the insecurity.

Ideally, everyone should enjoy a high level of self-esteem, experiencing both an intellectual faith in himself as a strong feeling that we deserve to be happy. Unfortunately, however, there are many people that this does not happen. Many people suffer from feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, self-doubt, guilt and fear to participate fully in life, a vague sense that "what I'm not good enough. "these feelings are not always recognized and supported with ease, but they are there.

In the process of development and in the process of life itself, we find it extremely easy to move away from a positive concept ourselves, or does not become ever. Maybe we can not ever be satisfied with ourselves because of the negative contribution of others, or because we have failed our own honesty, integrity, responsibility and self-assertion, or because we have tried our actions with inadequate understanding and compassion.

However, self-esteem is always a matter of degree. I've never met anyone who lacked by positive self-full, nor have I met anyone who was not able to develop self-esteem.

build self-esteem is to develop the conviction that one is competent to live and deserves happiness, and therefore face life with greater confidence, benevolence and optimism, which help us achieve our goals and experience fullness. Develop self-esteem is to expand our capacity for happiness.

The higher our self esteem, the better prepared we are to cope with adversity, the more flexible we are, most will resist the pressures that make us fall into despair or defeat.

The higher our self-esteem, more likely to be creative in our work, which means that we will have a better chance of success.

The higher our self-esteem, we tend to be more ambitious, not necessarily in our career or profession or in an economic sense, but in terms of what we expect to experience in life emotionally, creatively and spiritually.

The higher our self esteem, the more we engage in enriching relationships and non-destructive, and that like is attracted to one another, health calls the health and vitality and generosity moods are more appetizing than the emotional vacuum and the tendency to exploit others.

The higher our self esteem, the more likely we are to treat others with respect, kindness and good will, since they did not perceive as a threat, we will not feel "alienated and afraid in a world he never made" (quoting AE Housman poem), and that respect for oneself is the basis of respect for others.

The higher our self-esteem, more joy experienced by the mere fact of being, of waking in the morning, to live within our bodies.

These are the rewards of trust and respect for ourselves.

I have discussed in detail why such correlations exist, but I think it is clear that if we expand our positive potential and therefore transform the quality of our existence, we must begin to develop self-esteem. Examine more deeply the meaning of self-esteem.

Self-esteem at any level, is an intimate experience, lies at the core of our being. This is what I think and feel about myself, not what others think or feel about me.

As children, adults can feed or undermine the confidence and respect for ourselves, as to respect us, love us, we appreciate and encourage us to have faith in ourselves, or do not. But even in our early years our own choices and decisions play a crucial role in self-esteem that will eventually develop. We are far from being mere passive receptacles for the opinions others have of us. And anyway, anyone who has been our education, as adults, the issue is in our hands.

Nobody can breathe for us, nobody can think for us, no one can impose the faith and love for ourselves.

I can be loved by my family, my family and friends, and yet not love myself. I can be admired by my partners and consider however, that has no value. I can project an image of safety and assurance that deceives the whole world, and secretly shaking because I feel useless.

I can meet the expectations of others and not mine, I can get top honors and yet feel that I have not accomplished anything, I can be adored by millions but wake up every morning with a sinking feeling of fraud and empty.

Achieving "success" without reaching a positive self-esteem is doomed to feel like an impostor anxiously waiting to be discovered.

As the applause of others does not generate self-esteem, nor do the knowledge, or skill, or material possessions or marriage or parenthood, or charities, or sexual conquests, or cosmetic surgery. Sometimes these things can make us feel better about ourselves for a while, or more comfortable in certain situations, but comfort is not self-esteem.

The tragedy is that most people seek self-confidence and self-respect everywhere except within themselves, and therefore fail in their search. We will see that positive self-esteem is best understood as a kind of spiritual achievement, ie as a victory in the evolution of consciousness. When we started to conceive this way, as a state of consciousness, we discover the folly of believing that only by getting others to form a positive impression on the part of ourselves. Let's say: if I could make another ascent, if it could be a wife and mother, if it could be considered a good father if I could buy a bigger car, if I could write another book, buy another company to have a new lover, get another prize, achieve greater recognition of my "denial" ... then I irrational, that longing for "something more" will always exist.

The state of a person who is not at war either with themselves or with others, is one of the most significant features a healthy self-esteem. The importance of a healthy self-esteem is the fact that it is the foundation of our ability to respond actively and positively to opportunities that present themselves at work, love and fun. It is also the basis of that serenity of spirit that makes it possible to enjoy life.

The concept of itself as a destination

The concept that each of us has of himself is who and what we think we are consciously and subconsciously, our physical and psychological traits, our strengths and our shortcomings and above all, our self-esteem. Self-esteem is the evaluative component of the concept himself.

This concept shapes our destiny, meaning that deeper vision of ourselves that affects all our choices and decisions more significant and, therefore, models the kind of life that we create.

Living consciously

There are two words that describe ideally what we can do to increase our self-esteem, ie, to generate more confidence in ourselves and respect each other more. These are: to live consciously. The problem is that this phrase may be too abstract for some people, not so self-evident results in mental action and / or physical. And if we grow, need to know what to do. We need to learn new behaviors. So we must ask: if we tried to live more consciously, how and in what respects would act differently?

The mind is our fundamental means of survival. All of our specifically human achievements are a reflection of our ability to think. A life full of success depends on the proper use of intelligence, ie appropriate to the tasks and objectives that we set and the challenges we face. This is the central biological fact of our existence.

But the proper use of our consciousness is not automatic, but rather is a choice. We have freedom of work towards the extension or limitation of consciousness. We hope to see more or do less. We want to know or not know. We strive for clarity or confusion. We live consciously, or conscious, or (for most practical purposes) unconsciously. This is, ultimately, the meaning of free will.

If our lives and our welfare depends on the proper use of consciousness, the importance we attach to the vision, preferring to blindness, is the most important component of our self-confidence and respect our copyright. It will be difficult for us to feel competent in life if you wander (at work, in marriage or in the relationship with the children) in the midst of a self-induced mental fog. If we betray our fundamental means of survival trying to be so thoughtless, the impression that we form our own merits is impaired to the same extent, regardless of approval or disapproval of others. We know our faults, known or not the others. Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with respect to ourselves.

thousand times a day we must choose the level of consciousness in which we operate. Thousand times a day we must choose between thinking and not thinking. Gradually, over time, acquire a sense of the kind of person we are, as whatever the choices we make, rationality and integrity that we show. That is the reputation to which I refer.
The smarter we are, the greater our capacity for knowledge, but the principle of conscious living remains the same whatever the level of intelligence. Living consciously means to know everything that affects our actions, objectives, values \u200b\u200band goals, and behave according to what we see and know.

In any situation, live consciously means to generate a mental state adequate to the task being performed. Driving a car, make love, write the shopping list, consider a balance, meditation, all require different mental states, different types of psychological processes. With regard to issues of mental functioning, the context determines what is right. Living consciously means to be responsible for the adequate knowledge to action that we are making. This, above all, is the foundation of self-confidence and self respect.

self-esteem, then, depends not on the characteristics we are born, but the way we use our consciousness, of the choices we make with respect to knowledge, honesty in our relationship with reality and the level of our integrity. A person of great intelligence and high self-esteem does not feel more right to life or more deserving of happiness another person with high self-esteem and a modest intelligence.

Living consciously involves respect for the facts of reality, the facts of our inner world and the outside world, "in contrast to an attitude amounts to saying:" If I do not want to see or consider, it does not exist. " Living consciously is to live responsibly towards reality. This does not mean you have to like what we see, but we must recognize what is and what is not, and that the wishes or fears or rejects not alter the facts.

In considering the above examples, discuss the results that come with living consciously, as opposed to those produced by living unconsciously:

think, although difficult, to not think.

knowledge, even if a challenge against ignorance.

clarity is easily obtained or not, against the dark or vague.

respect for reality, whether pleasant or painful, to escape from reality.

Respect for the truth against the rejection of the truth.

independence against dependence.

The attitude against passive.

The willingness to take appropriate risks, even awaken fear, against the lack of will.

Honesty with oneself against dishonesty.

Living in the present and in agreement with him to retreat into fantasy. Facing

oneself against oneself avoided.

The desire to see and correct errors, against perseverance in error.

The reason against irrationality.

One of the most important is to live consciously intellectual independence. A person can not think through the mind of another. We can learn from others, but the true knowledge involves understanding, and it is not mere repetition or imitation. We have two alternatives: to exercise our own mind, or delegate to others the responsibility of knowledge and assessment and to accept their verdicts more or less unconditional.

Of course, sometimes the other influence us in ways that do not recognize, but this does not alter the fact that there is a distinction between those trying to understand things for themselves, and those who do not. What is decisive in this regard is our intention, our goal. As a general policy, do you try to think for himself? Is that your basic orientation?

speak of "independent thought" is useful because redundancy has value in terms of emphasis. People often called "think" the mere recycling of others' opinions, not the real thinking. Independent thinking-about our work, our relationships, values \u200b\u200bthat will guide our life is part of what is meant by "living consciously."

Research Based on the Nathaniel Branden, read it in full:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nedgraphics Design Repeat Tutorial

: lowering the levels of anxiety in anticipation

Physical Activity Proper exercise helps to tone muscle, avoiding both excessive rigidity and nervous system activation, promoting a healthy tiredness that promotes restful sleep and ease the excess musings and ruminations.

If your fitness is unfortunate (we have symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, nausea) and can not tolerate intense exercise, you can choose to split it into fragments small throughout the day and from a gentle pace to win well enough to tackle more demanding efforts. We can also play sports entertainment that we like it or enjoyed it in the past.

sleeping and eating habits
The exertion involved a disorderly life has a weight by itself, a factor in the overall result of excessive anxiety. Regular

sleep, so that is sufficient and that the body finds a release in order to be adapted to a systematic routine, can help reduce stress.

A varied diet and not too heavy helps control many gastric symptoms are favored in state anxiety (diarrhea, constipation, gas, upset stomach, etc). Many people can detect the degree of anxiety about the sensations they produce in the stomach, others for the feelings of morning sickness: a few and not others should be complicated by inadequate nutrition.

A high degree of anxiety influence the timing of sleep is more difficult because they appear in the mind bursts of thoughts that reveal, or we do, when we would play relax, tired with heavy soul-searching and arduous preparations for the next day. The result is that steal time from sleep because our state is too fragile to withstand these provocations.

would be advisable until we can recover fast asleep capacity we help ourselves by choosing a different time for reflection and planning of the day leave the next morning. In return we will relax thinking of pleasant things or reading an article of those that induce sleep. If you're over 15 'remove the covers, unable to sleep, instead of making us bad blood, it is preferable to get up and continue reading the article or viendoun heavy boring television program until we notice that the eyelids weighed and then return to bed.

The anxious person can torture themselves with ease by the fact that if you have trouble sleeping will be difficult to be clear the next day and is tormented by the thought of approaching the hour of awakening. It's better in this circumstance in mind that if you have to sleep a few hours is better to accept that because of endeavor, protest or complain even less sleep. Neither his condition the next day or it will be so sad to think, unless you become obsessed with the process is repeated ominously, that in the days following his own body will fight to recover.

The same anticipation or fear that just can not sleep can cause us to sleep badly (just as the fear that assails us a navajero in a dark alley that produces calm Let's walk through the area). We must remember falling asleep is something passive, something we do not put much effort of will and we drive with the lash of the phrase "I have to sleep!'', Therefore the method to make the dream come without panic seeing the picture of how we hope, is to do nothing, not even thinking about it, just living the day (so do not ask unrest last minute consolation), and to finish the night with neutral activities (not too exciting or too ugly).

face a stressful situation imposes a certain reduction of our aspirations. We can not force the pace to fit more things in the same period of time, and must be selected with relevant criteria, trying to delegate or defer the rest.

Even if we reduce the amount we be so fast to go with the same haste and haste when we afanábamos, leaving holes of sudden inactivity as one eats in a citation and No food that is seen in the plane and spends the rest of Food nervous waiting for the others run out. Slowing

means slow down our movement by forcing a "walking speed,''gloated betting with perfection and polish what we have at hand (for example, write with very good hand, selecting words, phrases expand going into details and considerations , review the work and creative small improvements).

The feelings of emptiness to be filled with something to help us meet this insane not crack unbearable, attending carefully to what we observe around us right to where I am Shelock Holmes , as is the person I am, playing to create something fun, entertaining and relaxed to provide enjoyment to the time spent and that they waited to become a living.

Planning activities
wisdom and cunning in planning our activities is another useful tool to defuse tensions, knowing insert appropriate breaks to relieve anxiety dela growth or changing the type of task to a softer or bearable, to regain a good mood and face the harshness of the day conenergías always on instead of flagging.

not forget that at the end of the day we have to satisfy different needs and not neglect them is a way to harmonize, spending time with friends, to our readings, music and personal pleasures, taking moments of emotional contact. As the different selves we are, we review and strengthen the skeleton and the plot that holds us.

drug Help
If symptoms of anxiety or consequences reported in psychosomatic disorders (those that stress a risk factor, triggering or aggravating) is too unpleasant or disabling, we can use pharmacological aid.

sedatives and anxiolytics can be helpful on todosi give them support a modest role, putting our interésy determined to change bad habits, eliminate the causes of anxiety and learn to improve our emotional control.

is inadequate and dangerous tranquilizers considered as a drug that gives relief to keep doing what were doing, but not unpleasant consequences (something like if someone asked the doctor a medicine for stomach pain to continue giving binge at will).

Relaxation exercises, breathing and yoga are as powerful as a drug, though somewhat more laborious. It may be a good investment to learn these techniques that will not only be useful in addressing the present, but help us care to the burdens that we lay ahead. Activities

manuals Handicraft activities are very convenient for people found to have anxieties and intellectual concerns. Artistic hobbies and DIY do contact us with simple objects and we sweeten, making sink our roots in reality. Enjoying nature has similar beneficial effect.

people whose stress has a physical origin (relentless bustle, children fluttered, heavy physical exertion, stultifying mechanical operations, etc.) But rather in the opposite, to park the body and make Spirit works with things that encourage intelligence (not that stunning, such as laying on the couch and watch TV for hours), as it could be a learning (languages, computers, workshop) or associational activity (apa, neighborhood , NGOs, etc..) or playful. Sexuality

If you have a partner should devote attention and use, as we have it, trying to cultivate mutual attraction. Satisfactory sexual intercourse (to prevent them becoming demanding, compulsive or routine) have a very beneficial effect to ward tension. It can be a good time to improve communication and the art of love.

Increase social, network, participate in discussions, informal meetings and cultivate friendships are positive and commendable ideas for themselves and should not be ignored thinking that "retirement''and isolation reassure us more (the idea of \u200b\u200ba mountain resort in lost).

Indeed there is a form of relaxation is to simplify (lie, not seeing anyone, do nothing, stunned with things we do not complicate life) and there is another form of relaxation that comes from the satisfaction and morale, if we had bothered to do something with some quality, having an interest in others and the external world (the idea that the world around us is a spa). Particularly

should subside by the affective link with vitalizing contact with the people around us from the neighbor to our partner or family.

Abstract published in page:

esteem shyness

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stomach Ache, Headache, Fever

Errors in Social Phobia

prediction and prevention: is not the same

There is a difference between the forecast and prevention. Both types are anticipatory evaluation processes.

Predicting refers to predict or guess an event from any sign or sign with predictive value. The advance may be wanted or unwanted, positive or negative. Fits any kind of expectation.
not warn us that we win the lottery, we increase the salary, or good weather if you go to the beach, but if we can foresee as possible. We can even, if it is in our best endeavor, make it possible.
prevent, forestall, means hinder, impede an effect, either through avoidance or, if not possible, by preparing a defensive strategy. If rain threatens, we avoid going out or carry an umbrella, just in case.

The provision of a risk involves a strategy to overcome it, without substantially altering our plans.

The risk prevention involves avoidance. This well know insurance companies, also called forecasting. Risk cover so that, given not reverse the situation and circumstances of those affected. If a house is burning you have the money to do another.

Prevention means avoiding the risk.

Prevention is a way to forecast and therefore are not exclusive. The second does not necessarily imply will act or omission determined, compared to expectations, the first if. Not so much to deal with a situation outweigh the risks or living with them, how to prevent its occurrence.
extreme Prevention puts more emphasis on what you do not want to happen, that in achieving what you want to happen. Or put another way, if there are conflicts between one thing and another is chosen first. Abuse prevention would reduce the probability of occurrence of a risk to zero, as a prerequisite to commit to an action.
Somehow denotes an intolerance or hypersensitivity to certain risks, prevention order, and a feeling of helplessness, distrust, suspicion, apprehension deal with situations where it may arise. Little risk behaviors eliminates chances of success.

There prevention relevant or appropriate , which is to provide simple measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of risk and, once made, forget about it until it is revealed. At the risk remaining lives. prevention should not be more expensive, in any sense that the harm to be avoided . Appropriate prevention and generates confidence reassured.
An example: If we leave, we take some basic precautions: check the condition of the car, try a good driver (rest, no drugs) and respecting the rules of the road. These measures give us security and confidence that allows us to relax and focus on something else: the scenery, the music tapes, the conversation with your traveling companion, etc., And maintain a floating attention on driving to detect and respond to any eventuality. Without the above measures of risk awareness car accident we would be more tense, uncertain.

A wrongful prevention or inconvenience characterized by anticipatory claim to exhaust each and every potential risk materializes, with their specific circumstances and their consequences in every moment of development of the action.

is to avoid being surprised, be warned, before any possibility degradatoria, implying the highest definition imagine anything that does not fall into the impossible. This leads us to be constantly in an attitude of "prevent" a military term used to indicate a situation of high alert and tension for action uncertain and threatening because it can happen any time now. Nothing, naturally enough, is irrelevant, may hide a trap into which, ideally, should be anticipated. Therefore, stimuli neutral and irrelevant under suspicion suspicious attitude and become predictors of a threatening situation (generation of evidence), creating alarm. Unlike
prevention relevant, irrelevant once established, does not generate security, relaxation and confidence, and allows focus on something else.

return to the example: If we leave home we ensure the health of the car, try to be in good physical and mental conditions, (although the concern for the worse has not let us sleep well), we respect the traffic rules, but also calculated and on the road, or before, the thousand and one possibilities for something to happen - what if a tire blows? "I'll 90 km per hour .- What if that truck in the curve comes down on me?-reduce and hopefully get it .- What if I get dizzy or short of breath? Who says I can not pass any of this? ... And so at all times. The list is long enough to feel that something or other will happen if a miracle does not intervene, not us, that we are overwhelmed, we can do. Obviously we have not enjoyed driving, or landscape, or music, nor have we talked with the partner. We may be painful, somewhat dizzy, white, and the scare in the body. At worst on a curve pending if, as we guessed in advance, the truck approached the dividing line, we have approached too far right without seeing the gravel and we skidded, even though the truck was perfect for him. Another event that we must take into account in advance for the next trip will not be that if we do not have this we forget, and we do not see the surprise!.

experience that prevention (where applicable) generates peace, security and relaxation, can lead to abuse it as a mechanism of self when you want to achieve those same goals.

abuse prevention implies an overshoot in the calculation of risks, a process of generating evidence, or neutral signal conversion signals warning by altering its significance, and a process of self-observation or attention autofocusing, common factors are inter-related to each .

To break this method, there are several techniques, the cognitive restructuring , relaxation techniques, self-instruction stop thinking, get in touch with the here and now, view the confrontation with feared situations so hit or the pose that there is reality and fantasy in our predictions or anticipations.

As soon as we stay in touch with this and jump to the future catastrophic dyes, we enter the spiral of anticipatory anxiety

Text based on an article: Baeza Villarroel, JC (1994).

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wax After Shower Or Before

cognitive restructuring to end the Social Phobia

cognitive restructuring

Dear Blog readers Social Anxiety:

This technique follows, cognitive restructuring, it was very effective in the process of reversing my social phobia.

I'm sure with dedication and commitment can also be put into practice and identifying and modifying the enormity of dysfunctional or negative thoughts we usually have those who suffer from this.
I wish you every success !____________________________________________________________

What you think a person has direct effect on your emotional state and behavior. To cope with stress and controlling its incidence is important to control what we think before conflicts. In this section we present a technique that helps to control negative thoughts that can interfere in our everyday day. The application of this technique to identify interpretations, attributions, etc.. nonadaptive before, during and / or after a conflict, evaluate these thoughts and find suitable alternatives.

1. Concept of cognitive restructuring
The first step in understanding the usefulness of this technique is to recognize the importance of what you think about emotions and how to act. People tend to interpret differently a conflict. These variations depend on individual factors (previous experience, their own fears, personal expectations, etc.). Different ways of seeing a situation have to feel different emotions (fear, security, etc.) As ways of behaving with the situation varies. In short, the way we interpret a situation have a decisive bearing on how people live and therefore on the stress and anxiety that we suffer.
Cognitive restructuring is a psychological technique, the goal of which is to identify, analyze, and modify erroneous interpretations or thoughts that people experience in certain situations or that they have on others.
2. Procedure to use this technique
then explain in detail, and implement the procedure for developing the technique of cognitive restructuring.

2.1. Identification of inappropriate thoughts
People are constantly immersed in a dialogue with themselves, though not always realize. A person may believe he is not thinking anything in a particular situation, because the mind has been so well learned that come to be automatic (as in certain acts such as driving a car or walking). This generally positive. It would be impossible to be continuously outstanding thoughts. Still, when a negative impact on the way they feel or act must be identified so that they can modify.
is important to identify inappropriate thoughts quickly to avoid cutting to invade and vicious circles. In short, avoid the snowball effect.
To identify cognitive schemas may be useful to know the most common types of thoughts.

In general thoughts can be classified into:
• Thoughts: They are objective, realistic, facilitate the achievement of the purposes and cause appropriate emotions the situation. Neutral
• Thoughts: Do not interfere or influence the emotions or behavior to a situation.
• maladaptive thoughts, distort reality or reflect partly hinder the achievement of the objectives and tend to cause emotions appropriate to the situation.
generally maladaptive thoughts tend to:

1.Extraer general conclusions from a small detail, an isolated incident or a single incident.
2.Interpretar any fact or situation without extreme or average.
3.Juzgar any situation from dogmatic values \u200b\u200b(bias). 4.Culpabilizarse
oneself from others' mistakes or blame others or circumstances for his own mistakes. 5.Intentar
continually prove our point of view is the only correct one.
6.Exagerar the consequences of any unfortunate event.
7.Minimizar or underestimate their own abilities, etc.

However, the identification of one's thoughts is not always as easy as it sounds and, for some people, know the kinds of thoughts is often not sufficient. Self may not be aware of many thoughts if not self-observations and are trained to do so.

short, in everyday life can not be constantly watching the own thoughts, therefore, it is necessary to have indicators that serve as signs to warn. It is recommended that, before, during and after situations that are difficult for you, or when experiencing negative emotional states. Wonder what they are thinking at the time.

2.2. Assessment and analysis of the thoughts
thoughts Once identified, they must be analyzed. A good way to do this is by asking questions, the fact that they have mentally answer requires reflection. The type of questions should be directed to consider three areas.
Types discussion questions and thoughts

analyze the extent to which thoughts correspond to reality (objectivity)
analyze the consequences of thoughts (Consequences)
Discuss what would happen if it is thought were true (Relativizing)
Thus you will see that there are thoughts that are unrealistic, which hinder the resolution of the situation and although they were real, not the severity level would be as high as it seemed at first.

follows are a series questions, by way of example, each of these sections. It should be borne in mind that they are general examples that have to adapt to every situation.
analyze the extent to which thoughts correspond to reality: (always asking questions about the event in question)

Do I have enough evidence?
data confirm what I'm thinking?
Do I need information?
Am I underrated?
My interpretation is partial?
"I exaggerate?
over "I take responsibility?

Analyze the consequences of thinking this way: (always asking us questions about thoughts)

Can I use something Spinning is unproductive?
the give you help me round and round? How
affects my thinking in my social / family relationships?
In my work?
In my state of mind?

analyze what would happen if what you thought were true: (Always with questions)

I wish things were otherwise but ... Is it important for me?
Would it be a serious setback or something really serious? Would
unpleasant or unavoidable circumstance? Am
would affect over a period of time (one month, two months, one year) or during all my life?
Would I could take things more serious? What?
2.3. Search alternative thoughts
The last step of the procedure is the search for alternative ways to interpret the situation inadequately reflect reality. It is very important to understand that this is not to deceive, but to see things as realistic as possible to address them properly.
alternative thoughts are the findings of the restructure . Once obtained can be used as self-instruction, ie what a person says to herself at the time that maladaptive thoughts invade and help you see reality more objectively.

to find alternative thoughts may be useful the following questions:
Is this the only possible way of interpreting reality?
Are there other ways of doing so which ones?
What would you say to a friend who had these thoughts?
What I would say a friend or relative? Why?
Could do something more productive to address them getting around the same topic over and over again? What?
How likely is it that these forms are most relevant?
Are more likely to help me achieve my goals that the initial seed is the situation?
Are more likely to get improve my mood?
Are more likely to positively affect the way I act? Etc.

The procedure for developing the technique Cognitive restructuring is as follows:
• Identifying inappropriate thoughts
• Evaluation and analysis of these thoughts
• Finding alternative thoughts

3. Guidelines for the application of cognitive restructuring

probably the procedure seems complex and difficult to apply to reality. In fact, it is true. This unit explains the procedure in a scheduled, structured and, therefore, seems artificial. The manual is a tool that helps you understand the technique and can serve (as the instructions of a computer program) when no doubt remember or something and you want to see. Once technique is mastered, this can deconstruct and adapt to the needs of the real situation.

3.1 When you can use cognitive restructuring?

Application to self:
or problems in situations in which sufficient time for reflection. For example, know that after tomorrow will be built into a new job or have had a situation where you believe they have been inefficient and have some thoughts modifications. In these two cases have time to think and, therefore, can be used (if necessary) the whole procedure and structured.

In situations where you have to give a faster response. For example, they receive a notice that is required to meet with her boss in his office and while going over there have thoughts modifications. Obviously in this case may not apply the technique as it is in the manual. While following the steps of the procedure, you can make four or five questions to help them analyze the situation more objectively. To do this, you do not necessarily follow all the steps or in the order shown in procedimiento.Incluso often uses the restructuring cognitive instantly, without even asking questions. Everyone has found themselves in situations that cause anxiety and has been very good awareness (identify) I was nervous and said: "Relax, I do I have to take as a personal matter, I can cope", etc. A very simple self-study can help to control themselves (cut negative vicious cycles that increase anxiety and make it lose control of the behavior) and face the situation more appropriately.
How to apply cognitive restructuring basically depend on the time available. In the event that sufficient time can make the whole procedure step by step. If not available this time you can ask a few questions that will help to see reality more objectively. In some cases it can even be done immediately, limiting the self-instructions say to cut the vicious negative increase anxiety. Being able to do all this process quickly reduces the likelihood of suffering stress and anxiety.
Application to another person:
In situations in which an acquaintance or family member tells them everyday problems (like the ones everybody has usually). Likely to be more likely to interpret reality correctly if they think that if they tell you what to do. This is not questioning or to follow the procedure exactly but in the context of a normal conversation, introduce questions, from time to time, to help her think.
front of a person who has a major problem (such as alcoholism, depression ...). This is not a psychologist do not try to solve the problem. Cognitive restructuring can help to make this person think about the importance of seeking assistance from an expert.
When applied cognitive restructuring to another person have to enter questions in a normal conversation, not like questioning. In cases of serious problems as much as you can get is to see the person who needs the help of a professional.

3.2. Example of the application of cognitive restructuring quickly

just started an internship at a company first aid and have to leave in an ambulance with a partner who has spent four years working there. Receive a notice that there has been a traffic accident near where they are and have to go. While going there with his partner has some thoughts less adaptive:
Identification of thoughts: "I'll there and not know what to do!, I will not know that I have to perform first aid, If I see a lot of blood can I get dizzy, Everybody know that I am dizzy. "

Objectivity, " I alone? My partner has experience?, I'm in training period ... I have to know how to do everything perfect?, Have I ever sick in such situations?, Do I have first aid training? "
Consequences : "Think this will help me make a correct intervention?"
If it were true : What if I get seasick? Maybe I have to attend my next to
injured. So hard that my colleagues would know that I am sick? What can happen if I do not feel safe enough to apply first aid? Who is more logical to take the initiative, I or my partner? "I can help you meet the wounded or other things?"
alternative thoughts: "I'm not alone, my partner has more experience than me and it is normal to be responsible for the most complicated tasks. I never saw blood dizzy, why should I go now? No I have enough experience to claim to do everything right the first time. If I keep thinking this way the only thing you get is put still more nervous and make it worse. For me dizzy actually not be so serious. If colleagues know it does not matter, sure I'm not the first to be dizzy, as much a little laugh at my expense. "

This example illustrates the application of the technique in a complicated situation. No need to ask questions of all sections and follow the order. May be more or fewer questions, or even identify maladaptive thoughts and go directly to alternative thoughts. Whether you apply in a way like the other, they can help address the situation more effectively.

Bibliography: - MCKAY, M., DAVIS, M., Fanning, P. - "Cognitive Techniques for stress management" Source

shyness anxiety anxiety public speaking

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Swollen Face 38 Weeks Pregnant

Reversing Anxiety and Phobias Addiction to the Imagination

Covert conditioning techniques

Model Strategies and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

usually identified on clinical work Cognitive Restructuring Cognitive with proposed by Aaron Beck and carried out with techniques such as discussion and testing of automatic thoughts or finding alternative solutions and rational. Undoubtedly, the latter is one of the most prominent developments in the approach.
However, there are many other procedures that can be described as "cognitive" as of right, such as training in problem solving, training in anxiety management, self-control of internal dialogue or self-instruction training .
We chose dedicate this small space to called "covert conditioning techniques" or "coverante control techniques" developed primarily by Joseph Caution.
is a set of intervention strategies with the same denominator, in fact, all of them apply the principles of classical learning and working with mental images and symbolic representations, called private events within this conceptual context.
Thus, the covert conditioning techniques are a kind of hinge between the behavioral and cognitive models: applying the principles of conditioning, field traditionally considered behavioral phenomena to symbolic representations to verbal and visual elements of the cognitive field.

describe below three of these procedures.

covert modeling
the patient is trained in the symbolic repetition of appropriate behavior by a model imagined.
Operationally, consists of three stages. In the first, the person imagines a different model of himself in age and sex running the target behavior. In the second, imagine a model similar to himself in age and sex. For Finally, the third stage, he imagines himself as his own model making difficult behavior you want to incorporate. Since learning of new habits takes place gradually, usually advised that in the initial stages display a management model, ie someone to run the behavior some mistakes, the situation facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles. Conversely, during later stages of training is suggested the display of a domain model, which shows suitable and safe for their performance.

For example, in animal phobias is customary to design a treatment combined techniques. In short, after applying a systematic desensitization "traditional" appeal to the covert modeling, which starts with images of a person other than herself that between hesitation and with some anxiety can get close and cherish, for example, a dog is here is a management model in the first phase of training. Later, the patient displayed a similar subject himself approaching the dog and stroke it with little or no anxiety, we see here the second phase of training and a domain model. The last point is to imagine yourself performing the same action or event, the third phase of training and a domain model.

covert sensitization consists
imagined repetitions of behavior-problem symbolic paired with aversive events.

The aim is to bring some degree of inhibition in potentially harmful behaviors that the patient does not wish, for example, drinking alcohol, smoking, compulsive overeating or sexual deviations such as pedophilia.
This procedure is a kind of systematic desensitization Conversely, since what is intended is that the individual experience degree of anxiety about these unwanted behaviors or pathological manner which inhibits the occurrence of events.

The technique is aimed at altering the symbolic representations or mediators of unwanted activity, thus, its effectiveness depends on the behavior holds such mediators, ie we are not facing an automatic behavior.
Generally, it is used in addiction to the last phase of treatment when the patient attempts to acquire self-control to the environments that can lead to relapse.
For example, who suffers from alcoholism leads him to imagine situations where people are drinking followed by others that he experienced as aversive, that they give disgust or dislike him a lot. Thus, it weakens the appetite to consume in contexts similar to those imagined.

covert positive reinforcement consists
mating behavior with a positive reinforcer imagined imagery for the purpose of such behavior increases the probability of occurrence.

As a first step, it trains the patient to imagine an enjoyable activity that will be used later as a positive reinforcer. Then set the matching symbolic asked to imagine executing the desired behavior and immediately after change in his mind the image reinforcing.
The whole exercise consists of several trials, will result in an increase in desired behavior previously issued less frequently. The technique is recommended to increase behaviors inhibited by anxiety, delayed by lack of motivation or absent in the repertoire of the subject, it is also suggested to modify dysfunctional attitudes, even as a means to improve self-concept.

For example, in the case of a patient who complains of test anxiety, it is usual to design a systematic desensitization with a hierarchy that gradually approaching the feared situation, so the person achieved to reduce their anxiety and may yield.

Now, if this procedure is combined with the Covert Positive Reinforcement , it is induced to imagine a situation highly pleasurable for her next to each item in the hierarchy. Thus, not only achieve the decrease of test anxiety, but also linking the situation with feelings of pleasure, that will help change the negative view of it.

In addition, covert conditioning procedures aim to change affective, cognitive and behavioral supporting the idea that our imagination is a resource highly potent in changing behavior in reality.

In fact, both the imagination and our thoughts in general are the mediators between our situations every day and our behavior, in this sense that modulate our emotional reactions and actions. Consequently, the effectiveness of the techniques mentioned is due in large part to its power to modify or restructure our cognitions.

By: Mr. Ariel Minici, José Rivadeneira Dahab and Ms. Carmela

anxiety phobia social anxiety social phobia anxiety esteem shyness anxiety fear fear public speaking skills blush blush assertive social disorder behavioral therapy psychological problems

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tiffany Towers Latest

Assertiveness Test - Social Phobia Social Phobia and Self-Esteem

Although there are several meanings, we might define as an ability to communicate with others an effective, clear and comfortable but there is a conflict of interests, defending their own rights while taking into account the rights of others.
The assertiveness is not something you're born, that is, a feature of your personality, it is learned, especially in childhood. As something that is learned, you can acquire all these skills comfortably but assertive communication whenever desired, with varying degrees of difficulty, so much encouragement.
autoaplicable Please read this test and see what things would you change. Please answer each question YES or NO.


  • Defend your own rights
1. If you try to unfairly difficult do you explain quiet your rights?
2. Do you often feel you do not have the same rights as others?
3. Do you have accepted, on several occasions, unacceptable situations?
  • Reject requests, how to say "no"
4. When I ask a favor that you do not want to do you a hard time saying "no" and stay calm?
5. Do you feel that others often take advantage of your tendency to please them?
6. Have you suffered on several occasions an excessive emotional reaction by the feeling that others are abusing your tendency to "accept all"?
  • request favors and make requests
7. Do you find it difficult to take the initiative to express your wishes?
8. If another person's behavior bothers you, do you tell costs and ask them to change their behavior to you? In what ways do you get?
9. Do you feel uncomfortable when you do a favor and do not know what to say?
10. When ask a favor that you would be willing to do without too much difficulty do you feel something violent?
  • request behavioral change on the other
11. Is it hard to say for example: "Look, this I do not do it, change your behavior to me? Excess action (aggressive)
12. "They usually have you for an aggressive and ruthless person when you decide to speak your mind?
13. When you choose to disagree or express your opinions to others, "often feel offended, hurt, or react to defend itself from what they consider a personal attack?
  • express positive feelings (love, pleasure, affection) and negative (disgust, anger, justified anger expression)
14. Is it hard to express your love, say what you like?
15. Is it hard to express your anger and you prefer silence?
  • express personal opinion including disagreement
16. When your opinion does not match with the other costs do you express what you really think?
17. When you choose to express to others their position or disagreement with any fact, do you often feel tense to or lose control of your emotions?
18. "It is rare that you express your opinions, accepting and respecting the different viewpoints of others?
  • Fear of rejection
19. Cover up your feelings on many occasions for fear of being rejected / a?
20. Do you usually keep quiet and not express your ideas or opinions for fear of losing the sympathy of others?
21. Do you fear a negative reaction by others to the opportunity to express your views on any issue?
  • Management criticism
22.Cuando criticize you some action Do you often feel depressed / a?
23. Do you feel insecure / ae uncomfortable to interact with some authority?
24. Faced with criticism "You get used to defend justificándote or denying the evidence?
25. Do you have a low self concept yourself?
26. Do you feel uncomfortable to apologize or admit your ignorance on any subject?
  • make and accept compliments
27. If you make a compliment Do you feel uncomfortable, prefers to say it will be for the new suit, haircut, etc..?
28. When you see a beautiful girlfriend or has done something good would you say it costs easily?
  • express love, pleasure, affection
29. Is it hard to express your love, say what you like? The ability to initiate, continue and end conversations
30. Do you take the initiative to start, continue and end a conversation? Or if you hurry bored or stoically put up with "roll"?
If you answered yes to several of the questions you may be lacking sufficient social skills to express your wishes, forms thinking, etc. Anyway, consider that assertiveness is not a term dichotomous all or nothing, but a scale that can be more or less assertive, and naturally, the more assertive, you're more comfortable communicating with others .
To guide you on that social skill is where you have more difficulty we have outlined a title to the questions so you can identify which plot would you like to make any changes. As you yourself can see, some people have more difficulty in dealing with the opposite sex, others to defend their rights, others in expressing negative emotions, etc.
As we say above, all of these skills can be learned more or less effort.
Dr. Elisa Urbano
Psychologist, sexologist and therapist